Sapphire’s Conversion: Part 2

Part 1

Part 2

Isle of Canna, Inner Hebrides

Some distance away from the lonely tower clinging to the rock in which you are chained, Emily and I are sitting in the comfortable croft where we’re currently living, discussing your progress whilst a peat fire crackle in the background.

“So, how do you think it’s going so far?”

“She broke quicker than I expected. That supposed faith of hers is not all that.”

“Yeah, but has she. I mean, it’s one thing saying that stuff, another actually meaning it.”

“Rome wasn’t burnt in a day, Majnun and, ooooh, God yes!”

“I’m still not sure we’re doing the right thing. Keeping her chained up like that and…”

“Oh Majnun, will you shut up about that! The problem with all you men is that you fail everytime to hear anything that us women say! She’s been telling you ever since you first met that she dreams of being chained up in a dungeon. Well, now she is and, trust me, she’s… ooooooh… loving it.”

“Hmm. I hope you’re right, but it’s just, I dunno, fantasy and reality are not the same thing/ There’s one thing dreaming about being chained up in a dank dungeon and another actually experiencing it.”

Emily rolls her eyes. “God, you men are all the damned same! She’s happy in there and we can move onto the next stage of our…..ahhhhhhh, fuck yes! Our…. Oooh… plan!”

“I wish you wouldn’t do that whilst we’re chatting; it’s off-putting and more than a little bit gross!” I indicate with my hand towards Ruby who is busy kneeling in front of you and eating you out.

“My God, Majnun, you’re as repressed as she is! Sex ain’t a bad thing you know! And Rubes here is happy, ain’t you, babe?”

Ruby, who has little choice in the matter, merely nods and goes in for the kill.

“I can’t believe she let’s you treat her like that! It’s weird! Why on earth did she pick a girl like you?”

“Well, she didn’t know what I was like until it was too late, and besides, I always knew she was a submissive deep down. That empowered exterior was also a façade. Ahhhh! Fuck yes, bitch, ahhhhh!”

“Hmm. Well, whatever the case, tomorrow is your turn and then the day after mine.”

“Precisely, it’ll be fun!” Emily pushes Ruby away and pulls up her jeans. “I’ve finished now so it’s time for you to go back into the cupboard!” Ruby starts shaking her head vigorously. “Well, unless Majnun wants a go…?”

I look at her, naked save for the monoglove forcing her arms back and the collar around her neck with the chain leading from it. She really is cute, but it wouldn’t be right. I’ve made my choice; I don’t want to be disloyal.” I shake my head.

“Jeez Majnun, you are some old-fashioned lover boy! Oh well, back to the cupboard you go, Rubes! I’m gonna head out with ma gun and do me a little hunting. See you in a bit!”

“I’ll never get you Yanks, what with your obsession with shooting and that.”

“And I’ll never get you Brits who are so damned repressed all the time! Still, wouldn’t do for us all to be the same. See ya in an hour or two and tomorrow stage two commences, it’ll be great!”

And so, your life changes, into a regime of black and white. On that first day Emily comes early in the morning. She visits you in the tower room and orders that you renounce Allah to receive your food. You refuse of course, even if you are hungry. She persists for an hour or so, calling you a brainwashed bitch and railing at you for not getting how great it can be to be liberated from the misogyny and superstition of religious belief. You stay firm and so, eventually, she offers you the Lord’s Prayer alternative. You accept since you’ve done that already and besides, aside from called God “Father” it’s not exactly against Islamic belief. Well, not really. Sort-of. Then she unchains you from the wall and rechains you to a ring set in the floor. After you have been fed and toileted, she tells you how all religion is bollocks, softly at first, but then when you don’t listen, with anger and force until, eventually, she is yelling in your face. Then she gets fed up, takes a leather hood, pulls it over your head and, when you are blinded, has you over her knee and starts slapping your buttocks hard. With each swish of her hand, you feel both your arousal and your resistance levels rise. Ya Allah! You’re actually getting off on this! What sort of weirdo are you? Well, whatever sort… at least not a total unbelieving one.

Eventually she tires of this and instead lies you on your back, still blinded, and starts fiddling with your slit, using her fingers to arouse and minister to your deepest needs. You groan and buck and she whispers in your ear that you’re a wanton bitch and that you would be better to just renounce all the religious bullshit altogether and enjoy it because under atheism it isn’t a sin. Yet, you stay strong and firm and so she doesn’t allow you to finish, instead bringing you to the very brink, before relenting and letting the whole process start once again.

And then, after she’s done that seven or eight times and you are literally dripping and going out of your mind with frustration, she decides to slap your buttocks once again and then put a clothes peg on each nipple and then chain you back up against the wall and leave you there, still with the blinding hood on. And the agony-laden seconds tick by slowly.

And then, after what seems like an eternity, you see the light. Literally. Bright light streams into your world and, when your eyes have adjusted, you realise that I have removed the hood and am busy cleaning your face gently with a warm flannel. I offer you food and you dutifully recite the Lord’s Prayer (you know it off by heart by now), and then I unchain you from the wall and transfer you to the floor where I have provided cushions for you to sit on. You think that I’m going to continue with the mental torture, but I don’t. Instead, I smile, say kindly that there should be no compulsion in religion and then get out a book. As your arms and feet recover from those long hours spent chained upright, I read you stories from the Bible in a soft, melodic voice. You realise that this is probably just a different method of indoctrination and so try not to listen, but there is nothing else to keep your attentions save for the icon on the wall and so you found yourself drawn in. Some of the tales, like that of Joseph being cast into the well, you recognise from the Qur’an, albeit in a slightly different form; others are wholly new to you. You like the ones that Jesus told, about the wedding with the unprepared virgins and the one about the good Samaritan. You don’t know what the word means and so ask me and I patiently, kindly, explain. I offer you more food and then ask about your buttocks after Emily’s treatment. You admit that they are sore and so I produce some cream and rub it in. You suspect that I rather enjoy doing this and wish that I would rub more besides since you are still horny as hell from Emily’s edging, but when you ask, knowing my desires for you, I smile kindly and patiently shake my head, saying that it would not be right, God would not be pleased.

And so, you are left frustrated, sitting on your cushion in that ridiculous costume whilst the Bible stories soak into your head.

And then, after toileting when the sun outside has sunk, and I put you into your bed, tuck you in and softly kiss you on your forehead as one might do to a child, you find yourself drifting off into a wonderful sleep full of dreams of Jacob’s Ladder, Jesus by the Sea of Galilee, interspersed with visions of a female Shaytan with two-tone hair who comes brandishing clothes pegs and a demonic set of fingers which cause you to awaken sweating, aroused to the max and unable to do anything about it, and all you can do is listen to the breeze blow the bushes and the waves lap against the shore beyond your cell.

And then, when you awaken, the whole process starts again.

And the next day too.

And the day after that.

And so on until the days become a week and the weeks become a month.

Until the day when you turn to me and say, “Majnun, there is so much that is beautiful in your faith, but I cannot abandon my own! The Qur’an is unchanged since the day it was revealed; it is a miracle from Allah. How can I reject that?”

And I smile and reply with softly, “Would you like to leave this cell tomorrow and have a little stroll?”

And you nod eagerly, and I give you a prayer to recite the following morning when Emily arrives to toilet and torture you.

“That took less time than I thought it would,” says Emily when I inform of your decision that evening in the croft.

“She hasn’t recited the Gloria yet,” I warn.

“She will. Sapphire is far less firm in her beliefs that she thinks she is. Her mind is a morass of heresy and doubt.”

“That is true… to a point. But she is still convinced of the essential truths of her creed.”

“Then it is your job to turn her. Trust me, not my scene that at all. Mind you, I’ll miss our time together. She was great fun to play with!”

“What you did to her breasts the other day went beyond playing, Em. It was cruel!”

“She likes cruel! She’s a fucking sadist, you moron!”

“Even so, to keep them in bondage like that for six hours…”

Emily shrugs. “No, I shall miss our playtime indeed.”

“What will you do instead?”

“I got Ruby to torture, ain’t I?”

“True. Talking of her, where is she?”

“Oh, I left her chained to that post on the harbour.”

“In this weather?! There’s a gale blowing out there!”

“She deserved it. She called me a heartless right-wing bitch this morning!”

“But you are!”

Emily shrugs. “She didn’t need to say it outright. It hurt me… though not as much as it’s hurting her. Anyway, I’m gonna get her in a min, my pussy is desperate for some attention…”

“When isn’t it…?”

“Well, if you’d be a bit more forthcoming, then maybe I wouldn’t have to use Ruby so much, would I?”

“You know why, Em? I…”

“You’re a vomit-worthy old school romantic, saving himself for the special one. Yuck! Anyway, your loss, see ya later!”

And so, I am left alone with the roaring fire and thoughts of how tomorrow might pan out. We are now getting closer to the crunch point…

Part 3

Sapphire’s Revenge

Sapphire’s Revenge

“I will hurt you for this. I don’t know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you’ll know the debt is paid.”

George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

Chapter 1

You disappeared.

You were there and then you weren’t.

And when they discovered, chaos was unleashed.

You’d gone to the shops. Missy had been craving something (no one can remember what exactly, but her condition meant that she was craving the weirdest of things at the time) and everyone else was busy, so you were sent. You left in your abayah, hijab and coat and a purse with a little money in it to buy the things that she needed.

But you didn’t return.

At first, they thought that you’d fallen into conversation with one of the women from the masjid and MiL railed against your unthoughtfulness. But then it got too long for that and so they wondered if perhaps, the shop hadn’t got what you needed and so you’d taken a bus into town or walked to a different shop. Again, MiL railed against your stupidity.

But after two hours it was too long for that. Your husband was sent to the shop, and they said you’d never come in. That’s when they began to get worried. One hears such terrible things, kaffir men who accost and defile innocent women walking alone. Your husband gives a lecture on the wisdom of Islam and the necessity of women leaving the house with a wali.

But it doesn’t bring you back.

So, in the end, they do what they really don’t want to do.

Your husband and MiL go to the police station and report you as a missing person.

The gorah policeman takes down the details and asks to check the name again. He gives it and then he disappears into an office to talk to a superior. Your husband and MiL are invited into an office where a Muslim police officer and the gorah from earlier tell them to sit down.

“Ms. Sapphire is not missing, she is safe and well,” says the Muslim one.

“Alhamdulillah!” your husband exclaims, his mother echoing the sentiment. “When can we come and get her?” he then adds.

The police officers look at one another. “You can’t,” says the Muslim one.

“What do you mean? She is his wife! He needs to take her home to her family!” butts in MiL who has been getting increasingly impatient to get directly involved.

“Ms. Sapphire does not wish to return home. She does not wish to be found and she is being looked after,” says the gorah.

“But she is his wife!” splutters MiL. “He has authority over her!”

“Not under British Law, he doesn’t,” replies the Muslim. “Under British law we have to respect her wishes.”

And despite knowing the entire Sharia and having Allah on their side, in that moment they feel completely powerless.

You wish you could have seen their faces.

They return home and solemnly tell Missy, before then gravely placing a phone call to your Baba. He arrives half an hour later and the three of them talk late into the night. Missy is excluded and she is fuming.

She still has her craving but now no one cares.

For the first time since she got married, Sapphire is the more important one.

Chapter 2

A week later a letter arrives. It is from a solicitor in Leeds of all places. It is advising your husband that you are filing for a divorce.

“She can’t do that!” exclaims MiL. “You are a good husband, the best of men. Pious and upstanding! You are a Sayed. What grounds does it cite?”

“Adultery,” he replies.

They both look at Missy who is busy caressing her growing bump.

“But Missy is your wife!” protests MiL.

“Not under UK Law,” he replies.

“But under Sharia Law she is, and we are Muslims. Sharia Law comes from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala; UK Law is from the kaffir and Shaytan!”

Again, they feel totally powerless.

“Bitch!” screams MiL. “Ungrateful bitch! Well, let her divorce you; see how long she will survive with no money and no friends and no community!”

“She is asking for half of my estate,” he adds.

“She can’t do that!”

“She can.”

“And there’s more.”

“What do you mean, more?!”

“She is saying that she was forced to work illegally and without pay in the madrassah for five years. Under the Modern-Day Slavery Act, I can be prosecuted for this. Unless I pay this sum of compensation, she will go to court.”

MiL looks at the figure and her eyes boggle! “That is ridiculous! You must refuse! It is obscene! She has been possessed by Sheitan, that is the only thing for it! He has taken her senses and is guiding her towards evil! The pathetic thing always had a weak mind. You yourself said that she was possessed by a djinn! We should have got the ruqi in whilst we had the chance! But it is no matter; let the bitch go to court! The judge will deem her to be mad – which she clearly is – and they will laugh her demands out of the building. It is because she is alone and misguided!”

But you are not alone and misguided. When your husband contacts his solicitor, he is advised that your case is a strong one. Apparently, the Leeds solicitor is the one used by a well-known charity that specialises in attacking pious and traditional communities (or in their words, combatting honour violence) and that they have fought numerous similar cases before. Successfully. Basically, the bottom line is that, if the compensation is not paid, the most likely verdict would be guilty. At worst, prison; at best humiliation and shame in front of the entire community.

And bankruptcy.

Another meeting is called. This time your father and mother turn up, and your eldest sister too. Your younger sister sits in the other room with Missy. She is in tears.

“Why is she doing this to me? We were such good sisters!” Missy laments.

Your actual sister shrugs. I wonder where she learnt that response from.

“She was going to help bring up the baby and support me whilst I went to university.”

She shrugs again.

“And the sum of money she is asking for! Have you heard? It is huge! And that is on top of half of the estate! And her actions have also exposed the fact that I’m not living with my parents and so I won’t be able to claim benefits as a single mum as I was planning to!”

Your sister rolls her eyes.

“I will be penniless! We will be virtually bankrupted! And the masjid, already there are whispers. We’ve said that she’s gone away to visit a cousin in Rochdale but that can’t be kept up for much longer, and the baby is on the way soon and who will help me…?”

She shrugs and rolls her eyes again whilst Missy bursts into tears.

Again, you would have loved to have been there.

Chapter 3

Three weeks have passed, and no one has heard a word from you. The whisperings in the masjid are now rife, especially since the story about the Rochdale relative has been revised to one about you falling ill and so staying away to recuperate. Mutterings of you being a bit strange, of demonic possession flutter through one side of the women’s prayer hall, whilst the other murmurs of marital dissatisfaction and the fact that, a week ago one of the women was sure that she’d seen someone like you in Lister Park with a Pakistani guy from Lumb Lane who is well know for his indiscretions with the ladies. It wasn’t you of course; you were actually in Birmingham that day, but the rumour spreads as they always do, and the dreaded word ‘shame’ is muttered in hushed and judgemental tones.

Missy, on the other hand is riding high. Since you’ve gone, her status as the valued wife has risen. She hasn’t left, she has only brought honour to the family and not shame. She is pregnant.

But even in this elation, several doubts are beginning to creep in. She’s expected to do more now, and there has been a noticeable cutting back on expenses. The figures that the solicitor mentions are frightening and there was a talk the night before about her degree. Even with loans, study is expensive, and she will have a baby then. It’s all well and good when there is someone to take care of that baby and when the finances are sound but, until we get Sapphire back, things have changed.

Of course, we will get Sapphire back, that is without question. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala is on our side; she has just been temporarily possessed by Sheitan and the kaffir who are whispering in her ear. After a few more days lone she will be longing for her Deen and community and family. But until then.

Missy though, is less sure. She mutters “Bitch!” beneath her breath when a family meeting is called to see whether it would not be better to postpone her degree for a year… or more. After all, with children to focus on, does she really need it?

There are mutterings and lamentations in another house in Bradford too. Your Baba rails against your mother throwing out words like “shame” and “disappointment”. He also blames Sheitan and a djinn. But mostly he is surprised. Sapphire was always the good girl, the one who obeyed. She adopted the niqab of her own accord at eighteen. Alright, there was that unfortunate situation in Lebanon all those years ago, but that was really more to do with that vile interfering Indonesian bitch than her. The girl is easily led, that is all.

And thankfully the Indonesian is off the scene these days.

But what to do now. If only we could get word to her, talk to her, make contact.

Your younger sister looks guilty and squirms in her seat. “Baba,” she says at long last, eyes cast down. “I received this late last night…”

He grabs the phone and stares at it. It is a message from you.

S, how are you doing? I’m fine and settling into my new life. It was a struggle at first and I cried several nights, but I’m getting there now. I imagine what I did shocked you all and I’m sorry if you were worried, but I really couldn’t stand being in that house any longer with that vile Paki bitch and her smug smile and pregnant stomach, not to mention a husband who ignored me and treated me as a slave and a MiL who made my life hell. No, things are better now and I’m enjoying living for once.

Your mum reads it too and they stare at one another.

“Mashallah!” exclaims your Baba at last.

“Mashallah? She is clearly possessed by Sheitan you mean?!”

“Yes, that is clear, and we will continue to pray for her, but don’t you see what this means? She is contacting her sister because she is lonely, missing her old life. We will convince her to meet up, then she can plead with Sapphire to return home.”

“And if she refuses, Baba?” says your sister. “It doesn’t read like she wants to come back, and, if I’m honest, Aunty can be cruel and that Missy is a total spoilt bitch!”

“Daughter, your language!”

She shrugs.

“Well, you must meet her and try, that is all. Text her and tell her that you will see her in Lister Park next week. Is that all that she sent?”

“Erm… no, Baba. There were a photo as well.”

He grabs the phone back and opens it up.

“Astagfuralah!” both parents exclaim.

“The shameful hussy!” adds your mum.

Your sister thinks that the photo of you in tight blue jeans and a little red top, sans hijab, is not so much shameful as stylish and cool. She wishes that she could dress like that.

Then your mother reads the comment underneath and screams, “The wanton bitch!”

If mum complains about this, ask her about what she used to wear in Lebanon when she was young.

Once again, if only you’d been there to witness it.

Chapter 4

Four days later and your sister is on her way to meet you.

Not in Lister Park though. You flat refused to meet anywhere in Bradford, or indeed, in Yorkshire. So, they suggested your older sister’s house in Manchester, but you refused that as well.

In the end, they agreed that she could take the train to Manchester Piccadilly and meet you in the coffee shop on the upper level of the foyer.

She is quite excited. Although she has more freedom than you were ever granted, a trip to the big city is always an experience.

She nervously gets off the train, goes through the barriers and spies the coffee shop. She ascends on the escalator and finds you waiting for her, your raven hair resplendent, dressed in a really elegant blue dress that, scandalously, reaches only as far as your knees. You are a world away from the dowdy, black hijab and abayah drowned figure she is so familiar with.

“Saph, you look… well!” she says as you embrace.

“I am, I’ve never been better sis! How are you? How’s everyone?”

“What do you think? They’re worried sick about you, Saph. They just want you back.”

“Well, you can tell them that I’m fine, doing really well, and that I won’t be going back. Do you know what; I haven’t had a single blackout since I left that horrible house!”

“Alhamdulillah, that’s wonderful Saph! But you have to come back. Your husband…”

“Not for much longer. I filed for divorce you know.”

“They said, and they said that you are trying to steal all his money. It is a kaffir plot.”

“Not steal, reclaim what is mine! For five years I’ve worked seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, both in that damned madrassah and at home, tidying up after that idiot and his awful mother and that smug Pakistani bitch, as well as keeping that masjid financially afloat by doing all the books, and I’ve never been paid a penny, not even given pocket money to buy some treats for myself. So no, sis, it’s not stealing.”

She is silent, doesn’t know what to say. You were meant to be pleading to come back home, not smiling and slagging off the family.

“Missy is a smug bitch, sis, I do agree, but Aunty and Cousin, I mean…”

“No, it ain’t happening! I’m not going back!”

“But how do you cope, without them?”

“I have a job now.”

“A job?! A real one?!”

“Yes, where they actually pay me! And my own place.”

“Here in Manchester?” (They’d carefully briefed her to find out where you’re living).

“Not, not here. Somewhere else. But my own place where I can be myself.”

“But aren’t you lonely? Don’t you miss us?”

“I miss you, sis, and big sis too, although she can be an awful pain sometimes, such a stick-in-the mud. And her kids, I miss them. And I miss Baba a lot, mum less so. But the rest of them, no way!”

“But aren’t you lonely?”

“Who says I’m alone?”

“You mean you’ve made friends… what, no! A boyfriend?! Not that Pakistani guy they saw you in Lister Park with?!”

“What Pakistani guy? Ya Allah sis, I haven’t been in Lister Park with any man. But I have been with a man… or should I say… men…”

“Astagfuralah! What kind of men?”

“Men who desire me, unlike that pathetic small-dicked husband who couldn’t shag a woman properly if he tried.”

“Saph, you shouldn’t say such things! No, I mean… what sort of men? Like, Pakistanis or Arabs or what?”

“Kaffir men, sis. White kaffir men!”

“Astagfuralah! Saph, that’s so… haram! Have you lost your Deen?!”

“No, I still pray; I probably need to more these days. And one of them even likes it if I wear my hijab in bed. He’s a bit of an Islamophobe and it turns him on that he both desires and detests me.”


You lean in and whisper in her ear. “It turns me on too!”

She is speechless. None of this has gone to plan.

You drain your coffees, and you suggest you both go shopping together, have a bit of girl time. She smiles and agrees, and you go downstairs and take the tram to the Arndale centre. You wander around the shops and look at the most amazing clothes. You buy things with your card and buy her some racy lingerie and stylish trousers too. Then, when you leave laden with bags, you return to the street and two men confront you.

“Sapphire, you’re coming with us!” says the first, grabbing your wrist.

You glance at your sister accusingly. “How could you?”

She looks like a startled rabbit. “Honestly Saph, I didn’t know! Cousin Ahmed, what are you doing here? And you Bilal!”

“She’s bought shame on the family, ukhti; she needs to return to her husband. We followed you and chose our moment. Thank you for leading her back to the right path.”

“Get your hands off me!” you scream, starting to resist, the shopping bags falling to the floor.

“Don’t make a fuss, ukhti; we’ve a car waiting. Your dad and your husband need to talk to you. You…”

“Excuse me gents, leave this woman alone!”

They look up. There is a kaffir guy standing next to them, confronting them.

“Bruv, leave well alone, this int none of your business!”

“But it is! You are hurting this woman and she doesn’t want to go with you. Leave her alone!”

“Bruv, you butt out or…”

“Or what mate?” says a desi guy next to him. The crowd is looking now. “Please leave this lady alone!”

Ahmed and Bilal look at one another and then react as bullies always do. “Sapphire, we’ll get you, you whore! We’ll fucking get you!” And then they walk off, defeated.

“Sis, meet Steve and Gurmeet from the charity that’s been helping me. We thought they’d pull something like this; sorry that you were duped. And over there is Harjit; he’s filmed everything. It will be evidence for any court case. Tell Baba this and wish him well from me. Mum too. As for Aunty, Cousin and that Pakistani bitch…”

You spit on the floor and stare your sister in the eyes.

“Saph, you’re like a new person,” she says. “And, although I shouldn’t say this, but I prefer the new Sapphire to the old one. She’s more kick-ass!”

You laugh and head off for another coffee together.

Chapter 5

Two meetings take place in the masjid late that night after Maghrib Prayer. One in the men’s prayer hall and the other in the women’s.

Both are heated.

“Brothers, you promised me that you would do this successfully, not cause a scene!”

“Brother, you weren’t there! She only went to very public places anyway, but even so, it would have worked except for them kaffir and that.”

“You said that we would pursue her to the end of the earth for our honour.”

“Yeah, but we thought you meant like Bradford or Dewsbury or Rochdale or that. City centre is kaffir territory, and we don’t even know where she’s living.”

“It’s that charity; we have to be careful.”

“But I need my wife back!”

“Well, we can’t do it, Sayed. We don’t have the connections. Like I said, kaffir territory!”

“There must be a way! If she leaves it’ll bankrupt the masjid!”

“What about Brother Majid al-Bretani. He could do it!”

“What, that crazy revert guy? You do know why he was in prison, don’t you?”

“You always said that it was to find Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, Sayed.”

“And it was, but that wasn’t why they sent him there in the first place!”

“No, you’ll not be sending in any deranged reverts, nor anyone else. She is my daughter, and they would only harm her. Much as she has shamed this family, I don’t want her killed, only to be brought back to us, taught a lesson, returned to the Deen. We must leave her be and accept that she is gone. We must cut her off completely, agree to the divorce and her demands and move on. Already the rumours are too strong.”

“La hawla wala quwwata illa billah, Uncle, you are right. It is hard, but it is the only way. Sapphire no longer exists; my first wife is dead to us. I just wish I understood; of all the women she is the one I would have least expected…”

The women are more emotional. MiL is holding court, humiliating her sister-in-law with her words and eyes for bringing up such a useless, ungrateful, and pathetic apostate whore and then for palming the infertile, mentally-unbalanced thing off on her son.

“But it won’t happen again, sister, not at all! Your younger daughter’s marriage with my other son is now definitely off!”

“What? But this is nothing to do with them! You cannot…”

“Your daughters are tainted, and she is probably infertile like the older one too. No, there will be no wedding!”

Your younger sister looks at the floor piously, but she does not weep. A day earlier and she would have done, but after seeing you and your transfiguration, she is glad not to be destined for her cousin.

Missy, on the other hand, is in floods of tears. She has been told, in no uncertain terms, that university is off… indefinitely. No more studying; she is a wife and will soon be a mother. That is where her obligations lie, not filling her head with kaffir nonsense. Her family have been informed and they accept due to the extreme circumstances. Her lot for the next eighteen years is what you were destined to endure. Well… eighteen years minimum. After all, there will be more than one child, surely?

And there is more. They’ve done the sums. Sapphire’s ridiculous demands can be accommodated… just. They have received some donations from family members eager to see honour maintained. But there will have to be cutbacks. No help with childcare and she will be expected to take up your duties in both the madrassah and doing the masjid accounts. Your husband is so fixed on Jannah, it is only natural that he has no head for figures after all.

Inside she shakes in rage and frustration. It had all been planned so well; she would have the baby and receive the laud and honour and Sapphire would do the dirty work. But now, what does she have before her but drudgery and toil. That bitch! That Persian, Arab whatever the fuck she is bitch! That weird Gothic demon-possessed whore now sleeping around with kaffir and…

… why with them but never with her husband?

Your sister has shown her the photos of their day in Manchester. Missy struggles to believe it is the same person. You look so happy, not all mopey and miserable like before with those pathetic green eyes staring out like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders.

And your clothes, your appearance. Ya Allah, you’re beautiful! Gone is that dowdy old maid in her shabby loose abayah and black hijab and instead some kaffir princess in cool tops and trousers and… what have you done with your hair?! It is so cool!

All the time she has been the pretty one, the desirable one, the one your husband wants.

Now though, when she looks at herself in the mirror in the bathroom where she has gone to tidy up her make-up after all the crying, she sees only a plain desi girl, old before her time, stuck with some guy she never chose, a baby about to ruin her perfect body and with nothing whatsoever to look forward to ever whilst his first wife runs around in the latest fashions fucking kaffir after kaffir and spending all her own money, never having to ask that old bitch for a few pounds to go to the shop with.

Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!

Ya Allah how she hates you!

You wish you could be there to see it.

Chapter 6

Four months have passed, and Missy is lying in bed with your husband. They have just finished another session and he has fallen asleep at her side. Her baby daughter is sleeping in the backroom with MiL, but she knows it will only be a matter of time before Khadijah wakes and she is summoned to deal with her.

Life is shit. Total shit.

Since you left, everything in Missy’s world has gone downhill. There’s no money anymore and so no treats. Before she gave birth, she was expected to teach all those annoying as fuck children in the madrassah and now she even misses that because, stuck at home with Khadijah there is no respite whatsoever from MiL.

The old bitch has got worse. Before you took the brunt of her bullying. Next to you, Missy looked good. After all, Missy got pregnant, and you could not. But now she receives it all, the jibes, the put-downs, even the odd smattering of mild racism.

Old hag!

The problem was your departure of course. With you went all the money and all the help. She admits that she never realised how much you did until you weren’t there. Life is bland now. They subsist on the cheapest food with no pleasures to break the monotony. There had been talk of days out or even a holiday after the baby was born, but there has been nothing. No money. The masjid has survived Sapphire’s awful demands, but at a cost.

And then of course, now she is the failure. Khadijah is a girl, not the son they longed for. So, until she produces that son, Missy is as much a waste of space as Sapphire was.

It is so unfair!

Hence the sex tonight. Before she’d enjoyed it, but the novelty has worn off and, after giving birth she is tired, and the pleasure is not so great. Besides, your husband has changed. Before he exalted her, but ever since you left, his mind is elsewhere. He does not trust; she is watched more and judged more. She’d hoped for walks alone to the park, even strolls to the shop, but she never leaves without a wali these days. And even in bed it is as if he is more distant. After you abandoned him, he has stopped trusting any women.

Fucking Sapphire bitch!

She now realises that the sex she thought was good, is actually not. Other women get it better.

She flips open her phone and, for the tenth time that day, opens the message that your sister sent her. The whole family has officially cut-off Sapphire, but, secretly, younger sis stays in touch and Missy has asked to be kept updated. Morbid fascination maybe, who knows?

And so, she hears it all. Sapphire’s amazing holiday to Israel – Israel of all places, the home of the Zionist pigs! – with some kaffir guy and then, the moment she’s back, off again to Scotland or was it Iceland? And her wonderful fucking job doing accounts for some firm and the Audi that she has just bought.

An Audi! What a total cow! Missy has always wanted an Audi!

And there is talk of another holiday and parties and outfits and oh…

It is so unfair!

You have stolen everything from her and turned her life into hell whilst she swans around like a queen.


And now this. This more than anything. When that sleeping husband finds out he will explode.


Great news! I’m pregnant! Ten-weeks gone and all healthy so far.

Luv u


“I hope she fucking miscarries!” Missy hisses before turning over and trying to get some sleep.

Then Khadijah starts crying next-door.

Chapter 7

A year has passed, and Missy is in the park.

Not alone of course, she is never allowed out alone, even now. No, MiL is by her side and in the double pushchair are Khadijah and Zaynab.

She is tired, stressed and fed up of both her daughters’ incessant crying and MiL’s endless jibes and criticisms.

She is also tired of the poverty, the monotony, and the unsatisfying sex.

Thankfully, MiL has spotted some old bitch that she knows from the masjid so has gone over to talk to her, leaving Missy with a moment alone with her sleeping children. She sighs as she lowers herself onto the bench, feeling much older than her mere nineteen-years. Other girls her age are out partying and studying, even Muslim ones. Even her cousin Saeeda the cow that she is. Never as pretty or clever as Missy, and yet she’s now at Leeds reading Law and having a great time. Bitch!

A kaffir jogs past wearing black yoga pants and a tight top which reveal her stunning figure. ‘I had a figure like that once!’ thinks Missy to herself, mournfully. The jogger stops and looks at her, and she looks back and then exclaims, “Astagfuralah!”

You sit down next to your former co-wife, your fresh body next to her tired one.

“How you doing?” you ask with a smile.

She stares back with sad eyes. “Alhamdulillah, I’m good!” she lies. “Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has blessed me with two wonderful daughters.”

“Alhamdulillah, they’re cuties!” you reply. “They’ve got your nose, both of them.”

“I thought you had a baby now, Saph?” she says.

“Oh yeah, I do. Maj is looking after him at the moment.”


“Yeah, me boyfriend, Adam’s father. I’m a single mum, but we get along well. He pulls his weight which is, I suspect, more than my former husband ever does, and we are great mates. Good for an occasionally bit of fun too, but we both have our own places afterwards.”

“Wouldn’t you prefer to be… together?”

“Ya Allah, no! I like my own space, my freedom.”

“Don’t you ever miss… us…?”

You do not reply as if such a comment does not deserve one. Instead, you stare at Missy and then say: “I hated you; you know that. I really fucking hated you. The main reason I left was you; I called you a bitch and imagined how you would suffer without me as your slave. That was what pushed me to leave, nothing else. I mean, I hated him, and the old bitch who is chatting to Mrs. Mumtaz over there, but you… you I really detested.”

“I hated you, Saph,” she replies. “I still do.”

You nod. “That makes sense. I fucked up your nice little life’s plan I suppose. And I’m not sorry I did it, either. I wanted revenge on you, you scheming little desi hussy, and I got it, by Allah, I got it! I look at you now and it is as if we swapped places; you are the overworked, undervalued slave that I once was, whereas I’m the one getting all the sex and fun. Plus, I have a son.”

She snorts and looks away. What can she say?

“But the weird thing with revenge is, once you’ve got it, the hate disappears. I don’t hate you anymore, Missy, I can’t. All I can do is see you for what you are, a pathetic little woman who has ruined her life before it even started and who will never be happy unless she does what I did and gets out, leaves that small-dicked prick and his bitch of a mother, and sets up on her own.”

“I would never inflict such shame on my family!” she retorts. “I am not like you!”

“No, you’re not, and that’s the difference. You don’t have the guts, which is why you’ll never change and instead you’ll stay the doormat that I once was. Which is why I can’t hate you anymore, you’re simply not worth it. Anyway, it’s been nice catching up; me and Majnun are off to see Baba and mum.”

“But they cut you off!”

“Not when they saw Adam they didn’t. Neither of them could resist a grandson, you know how that generation yearn for such a thing. Talking of which…”

She stands up, glances at the babies and then the old woman who is walking towards you. “Are you the babies still asleep… I didn’t realise you had a friend with you, as-salamu alaykum, I don’t think we’ve been introduced, I am…”

Then she stops, her jaw drops, and she stutters, “S-S-Sapphire!”

“Good morning, Aunty, I was just catching up with Missy here. I have to get back to my son though, he’ll be missing mum. Glad to see you looking so well, what beautiful granddaughters Allah has blessed you with. You must be so very happy. Wa ʿalaykumu s-salām Aunty, wa ʿalaykumu s-salām Missy.”

And with those words you jog off, wiggling your butt as you go, leaving them both open-mouthed. And to yourself, you smile. The first part of your revenge is now complete; Missy has been reduced. Now comes the second part, which that little conversation has set in motion. You give it a year at most before Missy files for a divorce as well, and the financial cost of it all will prove to be too much.

Plus, she will become the villain of the day and Sapphire’s misdemeanours will be quite forgotten.

And unlike you, laden down with two of his children, she will never be able to fully cut the ties so will always be in a halfway house.

But better still, MiL will never now get that grandson she so craves.

You laugh and jog off towards your new life.

Yes indeed, revenge can be quite a sweet dish to savour.

Written 29/08/2022, Smallthorne, UK

Copyright © 2022, “Majnun”

Sapphire’s Conversion: Part 1

Sapphire’s Conversion

Author’s note:

The following story contains themes of blasphemy and apostasy that some readers might find offensive. Do not read on if that is not your thing. Also, be aware that the beliefs and views expressed within this work do not necessarily reflect those of either myself or Sapphire who worked with me to write this. It’s a story, remember that; this is FICTION!!!

All the best,


Four thousand years ago…

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou?

Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?

Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD…

Back to the present day…

Satan and the LORD meet once more and discuss the same topic. It’s been a while and they fancy playing their little game once more, testing the faith of the most ardent believer to the limits. Will he break or won’t he? The LORD won last time, but Satan ain’t stupid. He’s done his homework.

“I was thinking about this guy,” says God. “Moshe ben Levi, Hassid from New York. Most pious man in the community.”

Satan glances at the bearded and beringletted Jew and shakes his head. “You picked last time and besides, that’s boring. Let’s got for a woman this time, and one from a different faith.”

“I’ve no objection to that. This Christina de la Torre from…”

“No, I’m thinking her.” The image of a veiled young lady with green eyes materialises before them both. “Her name is Sapphire, a young lady from Bradford in England, the pious wife of a local imam who submits fully, dresses modestly and never ever questions things. She is our modern-day Job.”

“I have no issues with that. Let’s start!

Satan smiles; he has learnt from his failures the first time round. He’s realised that God is far too bothered about externals – how people dress, speak and act – which is why he looks inside minds instead. And he suspects this Sapphire’s façade is just that. Breakable. What’s more, this time he decides not to intervene directly, but to enter the minds of two unsuspecting servants who he can get to do his work for him.

And their names are Majnun and Emily…

Part 1

Sapphire’s Masjid, Bradford, 2022

You’re sitting in the masjid office, trying to make the books balance. It’s dull work but necessary. You survive entirely on donations and times are hard with the cost of living crisis, yet the bills only rise. So engrossed are you in the Excel spreadsheet before your eyes, that you do not notice the intruder until she is standing at the doorway to the office.

It is a woman. A gori kaffir. You don’t know her but you’ve met plenty like her. Either going through a life crisis and in need of some structure, or else she’s met a Majid or a Mo somewhere and thinks that reverting is the answer. A month from now she’ll be saying her Shahadah and soon afterwards be wearing a hijab. Then, somewhere between two and five years down the line she’ll be having regrets. Whether she gets up will be mainly down to how many kids and cloth she’s laden down with.

“Can I help you, sister?” you ask with a smile.

“I was wondering, like, could you talk to me about Islam?”

Her accent isn’t local, rather neutral if anything. Still, what does it matter where she’s from? The issues are always the same. You invite her in and ask if she’d like a cup of tea. She replies that she’d prefer coffee and you detect a hint of something Transatlantic in her voice. That explains the refusing of the tea at least. You make her a mug and some tea for yourself and then start to give her the standard newbie speech. You show her a Qur’an and she leans over to get a closer look. Later on, you realise that that was the moment where your fate was sealed.

You carry on, telling her about how the Qur’an is a miracle, how it hasn’t been changed since it was written, unlike the Bible, and how much women are respected and honoured in your faith. But as you talk a growing uneasiness grows, not because of what you’re saying but because inside you, your stomach, your bowels, something isn’t right. You feel queasy, you’re churning down there, Astagfuralah, you need the toilet, you need the toilet now, quickly in fact, very quickly, you can’t wait, it’s coming out…

You run!

You make it in time and explode on the seat. WTF?! Your insides are emptying, and you feel awful. Your head is fuzzy and dizzy. Something isn’t right. Then the door to the cubicle opens. In your rush you never managed to lock it. The gori woman is standing there and next to her is a masked man. She is holding a damp cloth which she places over your mouth and nose. You try to scream but your body won’t respond. You go weak and then everything turns black.

“I feel shit about this you know,” I tell Emily as I drive north up the M74.

“I know! That’s the twentieth time you’ve told me already. But we both agreed there was no other way! She’s so fucking passive and indecisive that she’d have never come of her own accord.”

“I know but, she’s sweet and lovely and…”

“Jeez, Majnun, I think I need to hurl! You really are besotted! I thought the whole thing was an act, but maybe I was wrong. Well, you’ve got your Layla now… don’t mess it up!”

“I won’t but… the idea of doing what we’re going do to her. The chains and everything, is all that necessary?”

“From what you’ve told me about her, she’ll love it all, not hate it. You’re dealing with a weird chick here, not some Emma or Hayley. Trust me, I should know!”

“Yeah, you should. How’s Ruby doing?”

“At the moment, I imagine she’s fighting pathetically against the bondage suit I placed her in this morning, cursing my name into her gag.”

“Emily, you promised you wouldn’t…”

“She’s my bitch, remember, not yours! Yours is back there, so stop coveting other people’s property and give a bit more thought to your own. And keep your eyes on the road, you almost hit that truck then…”

You wake up to a steady bobbing rhythm. Your head is bleary, probably from the chloroform or whatever it was they used to black you out. You’re on a bed and, by the motion of the room, that bed is in a boat. You sit up. You’re clothed as before save for your headscarf which is on the floor beside you, obviously having come loose as you were manhandled onto the bed. You don’t seem to have been violated which is a relief, well… sort of. Guiltily, you recall several fantasies that you shared with me which involved being sexually assaulted, deeply haram stuff, that you had to pray a lot to repent about afterwards. But you’re still glad you haven’t been touched, if only because you’d like to be conscious when it happens. Astagfuralah! You sit up and decide to replace your hijab, to preserve that precious modesty, but then realise that your hands are chained behind your back and your ankles also have cuffs around them and a chain linking them. Involuntarily, you feel hot. You’ve always fantasised about something like this although, now that it’s for real, you’re not so sure.

You stand up and walk to the door taking small shuffling steps. You have to work hard to open it with your hands behind you, but you manage to push the handle down and stick your foot in the gap and then finally wedge the rest of your body in the space.

Outside, on the deck, you are presented with a view that takes your breath away. You are sailing across a still sea with mist-shrouded islands in the distance. It is like some fantasy, a trip to Avalon rather than this real life.

“Good morning Sapphire!” says a voice behind you. You turn. It is the woman who came to the mosque, but her voice is fully American now. Next to her stands the masked man.

“Who are you? What do you want with me? Where am I? Why am I chained like this?” The questions come out in a torrent.

“Whoa there, tiger, one by one. Firstly, who am I? My name is Emily, nice to meet your acquaintance although we’ve met digitally plenty of times…”

“Emily! You’re that Emily?! Majnun’s mate! But I thought you were nice, a friend, not evil!”

“Oh, I am nice… well, most of the time.”

“Kidnapping someone isn’t very nice!”

“But rescuing them is.”

“I don’t want to be rescued, how many times have I told you that! You with your ridiculous Western Imperialist lens and…”

“Blah, blah, blah, yeah, I know girl. Problem is, you ain’t got a fuckin’ clue what it is you want, have you? One minute you’re all pious and modest and serving your family and community; the next you’re blaspheming and slandering them online.”

“That’s different, that’s…”

“Whatever, ain’t interested. Fact is, we brought you here so you can work out who you really are, what you really want from life. Are you a Muslim or an Atheist? Or maybe even a Christian…?”

“I am Muslim, I am sure in my faith.”

“Hmm, well that’s where we’re less sure. See, I reckon, deep down, all that Muslim stuff is just conditioning, whereas my friend here says otherwise. He thinks you are a believer in Muhammad and the religion he followed, but not in the way you reckon. So, we’re gonna put ya to the test!”

“I won’t fail it, I’m Muslim, so you don’t need to bother.”

“Anyway, we digress. Your second question, ‘What do we want of you?’, well, I guess we answered that already, so the third, ‘Where are you?’ Well, you’re on a boat and that boat’s going to the island.”

“Which island?”

“That is classified, babe. All you need to know is that it’s isolated and you ain’t leaving it ’til we say so.”

Both her and the masked guy nod.

“Who’s he?” you ask.

“I think you know already, but come on, do the big reveal!”

I take off my mask and you gasp. “I thought you cared, I thought you liked me!”

“I do, which is why you’re here.”

“You promised never to do it, the rescuing thing!”

“Not exactly. I promised not to go to the police and, trust me, they aren’t going to be anywhere near here! As for the rescuing, no, I won’t rescue you at all. In fact, I’ve made Emily here promise to return you to your old life if you don’t revert back to your natural state.”

“Much against my will,” adds Emily.

“It’s in your hands, Sapphire,” I reassure you, coming over and stroking your uncovered hair.

“And the answer to your final question: Why the chains?” says Emily smirking evilly. “Well, because they turn me on and, I suspect, they do you too.”

You blush. They know you too well.

The boat pulls in at an isolated beach and you alight. Emily attaches a collar around your neck with a leash and pulls you along, across the sand. Nearby is a strange rock with an ancient tower built into the side. It is the sort of place you have long fantasised about visiting, about being immured in forever. I read your thoughts and say, “It’s called Castle Coroghon, and it was built around four hundred years ago as a place of refuge and then later used as a prison. In the 17th century a clan chief is said to have imprisoned his beautiful wife in there to prevent other men from wooing her. You can see why we chose it.”

The only path up narrow and horrible path and you stumble due to your restraints. Inside there’s a single gloomy room with a high window and a rude bed with a thin mattress and single woollen blanket. Into the wall are set iron rings. You watch in horror as we unfasten your manacles and then chain you to the wall using these rings. You stand there spreadeagled and helpless. Then Emily approaches you with a knife and carefully slices open you abayah. The pieces fall to the floor, and you stand there naked save for your underwear.

“You could have picked something sexier!” says Emily, twanging your panties. You blush. They are white and the sort of thing a granny might wear.

“I didn’t know I was going out!” you retort.

She laughs and then turns to leave. I stand before you a second longer, then brush your cheek with my hand and whisper, “Be strong, Sapphire!” Then I too leave, and you are alone.

You are left alone for a long time. It is cool and you shiver in your immodest attire. You want to use the toilet but it is not possible. You’ve dreamt about being restrained like this for so long and yet it is bloody uncomfortable now that you’re experiencing it for real. Your arms ache and the cuffs bite into your wrists and ankles.

You have plenty of time to survey the room. Aside from the bed and the door, there are only two other things in there: a bucket – the purpose of which you can easily guess – and a small picture of the wall. It shows the face of Jesus. You’ve seen pictures like that before in books and on TV. They’re called icons. It is situated directly across from you and his eyes bore into your soul. You know that Isa was a great prophet and so you shouldn’t be bothered by it, but images of prophets are wrong and it offends your sensibilities.You try to ignore him, but with nothing else to fill your time, you cannot and he obsesses you.

You stand there for hour after hour. Outside the sky darkens. What are they doing?!

When it is fully dark, Emily arrives carrying a torch. She pulls down your panties and then says, “Go!”

You don’t understand at first but then you realise: you are supposed to go to the toilet with her watching! Astagfuralah! “Please sister, turn away!”

She stays staring at you, silent and, desperate for release, you pee into the bucket as she watches. The tinkling sound it makes causes you great shame and you blush. Afterwards, she dabs you with a tissue and then says, “Need to do a Number 2?”

You shake your head.

She nods, unchains your ankles and then refastens them together. Then she does the same with the wrists. She walks you over to the bed and lies you on it. The ankles are chained to the foot and the wrists to the sides. She smiles wickedly and takes her finger and moves it under your panties and around your most intimate area. She is an expert in what she does, and you start groaning in ecstasy, both from her ministrations and the predicament you find yourself in which is like your wildest fantasy. Just when you are nearing completion, she stops, brings her fingers to your mouth and tells you to lick them clean. Tasting you own juices is weird, but you are desperate to finish. Chained to the bed though, it is impossible. You are at her mercy. She places the woollen blanket over you and walks away, shutting the door behind her. The blanket provides some much-needed warmth, but it is itchy and tickly. Exhausted by the day’s events, you fall into a troubled sleep.

The following morning, Emily wakes you. You are hungry and tell her as much. She says that you will receive food either if you renounce Islam or recite the Lord’s Prayer. Naturally, you refuse and tell her you are cold. She says there are clothes for you, but to earn them either the apostacy or the recital of the Lord’s Prayer is necessary. Feeling like a valiant martyr for the Deen you again refuse nobly so, after letting you use the bucket again and rechaining you to the wall, she leaves.

You are left chained there all day, with Jesus staring at you, your body shivering.

In the evening it is the same again. The offer of food and clothing for the same conditions. Again, you refuse even though the hunger pangs are terrible. She again toilets you and chains you to the bed, playing with you before leaving.

You cannot sleep due to the hunger. You cry for hours. In your fantasies it was never like this.

The following morning, she comes bearing some toast. It smells so good, and the hunger is so overpowering that you break. But you do not apostatise. Instead, staring at the icon, you repeat the Lord’s Prayer, justifying it in your mind that Jesus-Isa is a prophet, and it is all monotheism. Nonetheless, you feel defeated and humiliated as she feeds you the toast and then the tea to wash it down with. Never has a meal tasted so beautiful.

“Can I have clothes, please?” you ask.

She nods and disappears. Some fifteen minutes or so later she reappears with me. I am carrying an outfit. You are unchained from the wall and made to kneel before the icon and solemnly recite the Lord’s Prayer. Then you are allowed to dress. There is a fresh set of underwear and a long cotton shift that hides your immodest form. You are so grateful for it. There are socks for your feet too. Over the shift is a strange garment, a sort of full-length bib in red with demons and hellfire depicted on it. The imagery makes you hot. You’ve always had a thing for Jahannam. Finally, on your head is placed something that looks like a Christian bishop’s mitre but with a demon on the front.

“This is the outfit that the Inquisition used to make heretics and non-believers wear,” I explain to you. “It shall be your attire until you revert to your true nature.”

You nod, knowing that you never will, but glad to be clothed, even in such humiliating attire. This is how it must be. To survive, you must be sneaky. You must pretend.

Part 2

Sapphire’s Treasure

This story is a Sapphire story. If you like Sapphire and her stories, let her know here.

This story is the fourth instalment of Sapphire’s Saga. The preceding part is Sapphire’s Song and the next part is Sapphire’s Secret.

Sapphire’s Treasure

I’m working on my laptop late into the night, writing another story, when the familiar notification tone sounds. The dopamine activated, I minimise MS Word and go onto Twitter. It’s a message from you. I open it up and then gasp. I click on the first of the images and declare, “Mashallah!”

Three weeks earlier…

We’re role-playing, exploring story ideas and generally letting our arousal levels heighten. We’re talking about things that you’d really love to buy if you could. Kinky things. Haram things. I play with the idea and joke that I could send you some for your birthday.

You don’t know when my birthday is! you protest.

Then I’ll choose a date. The 25th September will do.

Why then?

An inspirational Muslim female activist was killed on that day. You are an inspirational Muslim female activist and you have the same first name as her.

Silence. I don’t know if you approve of that or not.

We don’t celebrate birthdays anyway. I never have. They’re not a thing for me.

I don’t care. You’re getting a present anyway.

But you don’t have my address. And I can’t give it. It’s too dangerous!

Hmm. Now that is a problem. A big one indeed. How can I reply to that?

I’ll find a way.

It’s lame but it’ll have to do.

The following day on the train I mull over the conundrum. How can I send the woman I adore a present when I a). don’t know her address and b). want to keep her safe? No answer comes and I’m none the wiser when I go into my meeting in Birmingham. It’s with Mark, a colleague for many years. After the boring stuff, we share a coffee and I ask what he’s been up to at the weekend.

“Oh, I went geocaching, mate.”

“Geocaching? What on earth’s that?”

“It’s like a treasure hunt, except that thousands of people do it. There’s an app you get, look here.” He pulls out his phone and clicks on the app. It shows a map of central Birmingham and dotted all around are markers. “Each of those is a hidden cache. Someone leaves it there and you have to find it, but you can’t let anyone know.”

I have the glimmer of an idea. “Sounds cool, mate, I’m intrigued. Could we find one now, say that one there.” I point to a marker near the cathedral.

“Sure.” We drain the coffees and leave. It’s only a short walk away. The app doesn’t give the exact location but gives clues. This one is behind a stone. After some searching, we find a tiny plastic pot lodged behind a gravestone. We take it and Mark opens it. Inside is a treasure – a novelty eraser – and a paper log. Mark writes down his name and the date he found it, ticks it off on his app and then, when no one is looking, goes back and replaces it.

I now know how I am going to get the present to you.

After Mark has left, I scroll through our messages and then go shopping. I buy the first of the items from a fashionable clothing shop in the Bull Ring and then head towards Chinatown where I know there are shops of a more haram nature. In an emporium with blanked out windows, I buy the rest.

Getting home, I lay them out and salivate. I have the gifts, but the logistics are going to be problematic. There are three in total and only one will fit in a tiny plastic pot like the geocache that Mark found. I fish around in the kitchen and find one that once contained mango chutney from a takeaway.

One down, two to go.

The next one I put in a plastic bag, squeeze the air out and then wrap tightly in parcel tape. It looks like a misshapen jumbo sausage from the chip shop. Not ideal but it’ll have to do.

The third is more problematic. I put it in a bag and do the same as last time but have to be more careful as I don’t want to damage it. It comes out the size of a Scandi Noir novel. Too big really, but there’s nothing for it.

That Saturday I drive up to Bradford. I don’t know where you live, but I do know the general area from the restaurants that you’ve recommended and the places you’ve referred to. So, I park up at Bombay Stores and wander on in. I walk into the vast clothing section and then find the idea place. Up a corner, where there are a load of saris hanging, I see a tiny space between a stand and a wall. I lodge the sausage-shaped present there and then, surreptitiously, snap a photo of it.

Next up, I drive up Great Horton Road and then park up near the Salafi Bookstore. I wander on in, greet the weird revert guy who I’m sure I know from when I taught in a prison years ago, and then go and browse the shelves. My bushy beard and the cap that I bought from Oman makes him think I’m one of the brothers and he leaves me alone. I find a nice little spot behind a bookshelf and slip the small tub there. Then I take a snap and pick up a children’s book all about the Wives of the Prophet which I take to the desk to allay suspicions. And after salaaming him, I go on my way.

I’m now left only with the largest of the parcels, the hardest to conceal. Nowhere is ideal, but I think I have a good idea of the safest place. Horton Park is nearby, and you’ve mentioned strolling in it, so I make my way there and wander around aimlessly, looking for a suitable spot. Eventually, I spy a large thorn bush near to the pool of weird-coloured water and consider that as good as anywhere. I deposit the package under it, take a photo and then go on my way, although not before a wonderful meal at Shimla’s to keep me going for the journey.

Late that evening I send you an email. It has a map with three locations marked on it and brief descriptions of what each one is. There are also the three photos and instructions to bring a bag.

I sign off with a ‘Happy Birthday Sapphire!’

The reply, via Twitter, is instant.

You were in Bradford?!!!!

Sure was.

I send a photo of me tucking into a mutton handi to prove it.

You are crazy! You know I can never go and pick those parcels up! It’s too dangerous!

Then they’ll just have to stay there won’t they, until either someone else finds them or they get ruined.

Yes, they will.

Which is a shame cos you’ll never know what I got you and that not knowing will drive you round the bend.

You do not reply, and I do not pursue it. The message got through, the bait has been laid.

The only question is, will the fish bite?

Back to the 25th September…

I open the picture and my eyes goggle. I love all your pictures, but this one is something else.

The first thing that I notice is that you obviously went to the park, because the package from there has been unwrapped. It’s a set of racy, red lingerie that is identical to the photograph of the set that you’d said you’d buy if you could. It shows your stunning figure off to its fullest advantage and the red is a nod to your darker side. I’m hard in an instant.

But when I look closer, I see that you’ve also taken a trip to the Salafi Bookstore and retrieved the plastic pot, because the demon red contact lenses that were hidden within it now grace your eyes.

You look so hot! And so demonic! I ping a fire emoji to you and then message you back Two out of the three ain’t bad, Saph! Happy “birthday”!

There are a few seconds of silence and then the circles roll. You’re typing. The wait is excruciating. Then the message appears:

Who says I only retrieved two of them?

And the final picture appears:

Astagfuralah, you made it to Bombay Stores as well! And dang, girl, dang!

There you crouch, naked as the day you were born save for the devil horns and devil’s tale buttplug I bought from the shop in Chinatown.

Your djinn has really possessed you today! I type.

Wanna role play through what he’s gonna do to me? you reply.


Written 19/07/2022. Smallthorne, UK

Copyright © 2022, “Majnun”

Sapphire’s Ceremony

Be warned! Although this is a Majnun story, unlike most of the others, it is not so soft and romantic but instead explores some of Sapphire’s deepest fantasies rather than my own. Blasphemy and religious play are two of her big kinks and so, if such themes upset you, don’t read on!

This story is a standalone Sapphire story. If you like Sapphire and her stories, let her know here.

Sapphire’s Ceremony

My name is Safiya and I have a good life. Alhamdulillah, I have been blessed indeed. I am married to a pious and god-fearing man who is the imam in one of the foremost mosques here in Bradford, the most faithful of all cities in predominantly kaffir Britain. My husband is well-known and respected in the community for his adherence to the True Islam, keeping firmly to the ways of the Sunnah and abhorring all bidah and deviance. His sermons are well-attended and, as his wife, I am blessed to live a life that reflects his great piety. Along with my co-wife Zareen – for our husband believes in a good, traditional lifestyle, Alhamdulillah, I never leave the house without my niqab and gloves to protect my awrah, whilst at home I immerse myself in reading the Qur’an and hadiths, and teaching children at his mosque which is adjacent to our home. Indeed, all that is missing from our lives is the gift of children, but, inshallah, we shall not be waiting long. I have only been married for four years and Zareen less than that, and we are young so there is time. No, we are blessed indeed, and all is as it should be.

Or, at least, it was.

Little did I know what demons can lurk around the corner, Audhu billahi min ash shaitan ar rajim!

It was a Thursday morning, very early in the morning. My azan alarm clock had woken me for the Fajr prayer. As our husband is a strict and pious man, he takes turns to sleep with us wives, for the Qur’an states “And if you have reason to fear that you might not act equitably towards orphans, then marry from among [other] women such as are lawful to you – [even] two, or three, or four: but if you have reason to fear that you might not be able to treat them with equal fairness, then only one – or from among those whom you rightfully possess.” So, that night was Zareen’s night and she was lying with our husband and I was alone.

Being alone, I rose, and sleepily made my way into the prayer room. It may sound strange to you that we have a prayer room in the house but, as I said, our husband is a pious man and so it is only right that he provides a room for devotions to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. However, when I sleep with him, we usually just pray in the bedroom, but being alone, I like to use the prayer room as it catches the first shafts of morning sun.

Sleepily, I unrolled my mat and performed my devotions automatically, immersing myself in the motions and wondering about the day ahead. Then, when I had finished, I stood up and was about to roll the mat up again when a shadow on the wall caught my eye. I turned around to see a man standing in the prayer room.

A man that was not my husband!

I was about to scream when this masked man grabbed me and put a damp pad of cloth over my face. There must have been something in it for, within seconds, I felt myself going limp and drifting away into the world of slumber.

I awoke in a room. Where this room was, I could not say, but it was not my prayer room. Indeed, it was not any room that I had ever set foot in before. As my head cleared, I looked around. The walls were made of stone and, at one end was a small arched window such as one might find in a mediaeval castle. The room had a stone floor too and the only furniture was the bed that I was lying on and a small Christian crucifix with the Prophet Isa shamefully depicted hanging almost naked on the cross. “Audhu billahi min ash shaitan ar rajim!” I whispered to myself to steady my nerves.

I got up. I was in the clothes that I’d been praying in, my usual brown bedtime abayah with flowers embroidered upon it. I went over to the window. It was rather high, but I managed to stand on my tiptoes and look out of it. Wherever I was, it was high up on a hill or mountain with forested slopes as far as the eye could see. Astagfuralah, where was this place?

Across the opposite side of the room was a door. It was again arched and looked solid and ancient. I went to it and tried it. Locked. I rattled it but it would not budge. Dismayed, I returned to the bed to sit and utter a prayer.

I did not have time though. I heard footsteps and a key turn in the lock. A woman entered. At first, I thought she was a Muslim sister, but then I stopped.

She was veiled all in black like a Muslimah, but around her neck was a crucifix. What did it mean?

She approached silently, carrying a neatly folded bundle of clothes. “Welcome to Arce Pietatis Occultae,” she said softly in accented English. “The Crusader who brought you to this place took these from your room so that you would have clothes to wear before embracing the Ceremony. I trust they are sufficient for you. Please dress yourself and come with me. Leave all your nightclothes on the bed and I will have them laundered for you. Quickly, the Master awaits your presence.”

“Where am I?” I asked. “Who are you?”

Her blank veil stared back at me, obscuring even her eyes. “The Master will explain all,” she replied. Knowing I had no choice, I started to dress.

The clothes that she had brought were indeed my own. There was my black, everyday abayah with a pair of loose black trousers that I wear underneath if I’m going to the mosque or about the house. There was also a black undercap, a black hijab, black cotton socks, my single-layer black niqab and a pair of my black gloves. I was glad to see them; they represented stability, familiarity… and modesty, for this strange veiled Christian woman had mentioned a Master and I felt uncomfortable about seeing any man unveiled.

However, there were some things in the pile that made me feel less comfortable. For some reason, the lingerie that the kidnapper – hadn’t she referred to him as a ‘Crusader’? – had brought was a set that had been bought for our wedding, racy and lacy in bright red. Wearing them I must admit that I always felt sexy, but at the same time they covered so little, literally a string between my buttocks, that I also felt immodest, shameful, wanton. Still, my husband enjoyed seeing me wearing them, so I would don them on special occasions to please him.

Why on earth had they selected those?

But with nothing else to choose from, I had to put them on, blushing with embarrassment as the veiled Christian lady stood there motionless.

Dressed and ready to face the world – wherever this new world I found myself in was – I followed her dutifully out of the room. We went down narrow corridors and then up a flight of stairs. We exited into a courtyard, and I could see clearly that my initial guess had been correct: this was a mediaeval castle, yet unlike many of them, it was not ruined but complete and obviously lived in.

Across the courtyard was a large round tower. We entered an arched doorway at its foot and then started to climb up a narrow set of spiral stairs. I had to lift my abayah like a princess of old and found the climb quite tough. However, eventually, somewhere near the top I guessed, we came to a door. The veiled woman opened it and I found myself in a large room.

On one side of the room was a huge fireplace where wood crackled. In the centre of the room was a large table set with two meals. One was evidently for me and the other for my dinner companion, the man sitting on the opposite side.

The Master.

He was dressed in a most extraordinary manner, like a knight from centuries ago. He wore chainmail and a cloak of white emblazoned with a large red cross. Had I not only been transported to a castle, but perhaps also back in time?! His face though, was obscured, by a mask over the eyes, such as those worn in Venetian carnivals. Despite this though, he exuded a presence. An aura of power and strength. This permeated my brain and breast and made me feel at once afraid and, shamefully, excited. Astagfuralah!

We all have our jihads to fight, and I am no different. I am naturally submissive as Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala intended all women to be, and so I have always admired stronger, dominant men. That is one reason why, when the matchmaker introduced me to my future husband, I knew that we would be a good match, for he is dominant. But next to this man, the Master, he seemed weak and feeble. This was raw strength.

He smiled. “Your name they tell me is Safiya, am I right?”

I nodded, uneasy, unsure.

“Well, that won’t do for this place. Too Oriental. I shall Europeanise you, call you Sapphire. You were born in a supposedly Christian kingdom after all. Sapphire. That shall be your name from now on. And my name is the Master. You need know no more. Please, sit down and eat.”

I sat and looked at him and then the food. I was ravenous. The food prepared looked and smelt delightful. It was meat and there was a fork and knife next to the plate. There was also a glass full of a deep red liquid. I put it to my mouth and drank a little and then realised, to my horror, that it wasn’t grape juice.

It was wine!

I spat it out and he laughed. “The vintage is not to your taste I see? Shall I have Sister Catherine bring you a different one?”

His accent was foreign, hard to place, but somehow filled with dominance and allure.

“It is not the vintage, sir, it is… wine. My religion forbids alcohol.”

“Your religion does not forbid wine; instead, it decrees that you should drink it in remembrance of Our Lord’s sacrifice upon the Cross.”

I am a Muslim sir, not a Christian.”

He smiled a cruel and domineering smile. “You think you are a Muslim because that is what you were taught as a child. But that heresy is not your true faith, your real calling. You are really a Christian as are all human beings. However, I will accept that you do not realise this truth… yet.”

He spoke with firmness, but I would not hear our beloved Deen disrespected.

“No sir, I am a Muslim and always shall be. It is the only true path and yours is but a heresy!”

He laughed as if I had told a hilarious joke. “Poor girl, poor deluded Arab girl! Your mind has been so brainwashed! Still, it can always be washed clean as Sister Catherine’s here was and many others too. But that is by the by. Besides, if you are a Muslim, you can still drink the wine. Go ahead!”

“It is forbidden!”

“‘They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: “In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit.”’ Now, my dear Sapphire, that does not sound like a prohibition. Instead, it reads more like advice, general guidance. So, drink!”

I could not believe that he was quoting the Glorious Qur’an against me. I wanted to counter, talking about the sequence of revelations, and so on, but sensed this was not the time or place… and that he would already have an answer prepared to combat me.

“No,” I replied.

“Very well then, be stubborn. But you shall need to drink at some point and water will only be offered after wine. Eat instead!”

“Is this meat halal?”

“Of course, it is not.”

“Then I cannot eat it.”

“Then you shall go hungry.”

“So be it.”

“A stubborn little miss I see. And yet the reports said that you were so submissive and passive. Obviously, they lied… or you do not know yourself. Whatever the case, it is your choice. Everything here is your choice. You will not be forced to do anything. However, you will not escape. If you do not eat or drink, you will die. No one is coming to rescue you. You are thousands of miles from the dreary streets of Bradford and that heretical mosque that you like to pray and teach in. You are in Arce Pietatis Occultae – The Castle of the Hidden Piety.”

“And where is that?” I asked, the smell from the cooked meat torturing me.

“Where it is does not concern you. What it is, however, does. What it is, is the secret outpost of the Knights Templars. Do you know who they are?”

I shook my head.

“We are an ancient crusading order, founded in 1119 to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land who were under threat from your own heretical Arab ancestors. For centuries we wore the Cross of Christ and protected the weak, needy and travellers. But then, on Friday, 13th October 1307 we were heinously betrayed by the Church authorities which had been infiltrated by Arab and Jew heathens. Our knights were massacred, our castles seized, and our order destroyed. Totally.

Or so they thought.

We did not, however, die. Instead, we went underground. We retreated to unknown fortresses and catacombs below the earth from which we have continued to protect Christians to this day. That is our mission, and it will not be over until every single soul is blessed with the love of Christ. Which is why you are here, Sapphire.”

I sat silent, sullen, trying to reassert my submissiveness.

“Your husband is a troublesome man. Last month he took two good and pious Catholic souls and converted them to your heathen creed. He will be damned eternally for his sin.”

I knew what he was referring to. A couple of white people had come to the mosque. They’d been going through a crisis, homelessness, and drug addiction. My husband had brought them to the Deen. I had been so proud of him that day.

“Two souls lost to God. A debt that needs to be paid. A debt that you are going to pay, Sapphire!”

“Me? How?”

“You will provide us with two new Christians. Either you convert and you become one of them, or you beget Christian babies for our order.”

Beget babies… but that means… Astagfuralah!

He smiled his cruel smile again. “Today is Friday the 6th May. Next week will be Friday the 13th, the symbolic anniversary of our day of woe. The Ceremony will take place on that day. You have until then to decide your path. Your choice is simple: Convert to the True Faith and you will be inducted into the Enclosed Order of the Carmelite Sisters that Sister Catherine belongs to. You will take the veil and live in perpetual chastity and piety, praying to repent of all your sins. That will symbolise one soul redeemed for Christ. For the other, we will then take your co-wife, Zareen.

“Or the other choice is to remain the heretic that you are and undergo the entire ceremony. A ceremony of impregnation, a ceremony of retribution for the soul lost to Christ by your evil husband. After the ceremony, you shall bear your Christian child and then, when it is born, be free to leave and return home.”

“I can go home, just like that?!”

“Indeed, yes, although I will warn you now, no girl yet has chosen to do so. All those who came before you opted voluntarily to stay within these walls.”

“But why?”

He laughed loudly. “You shall soon learn, Sapphire, you shall soon learn! Now, my dear, eat and drink, for you have much to be merry about. You will soon be returning to your true form. Angel or devil, we will discover it a week hence…”

I lasted another twenty-four hours without food and then I gave in. As I took that first gulp of wine and tasted that first chunk of unconsecrated meat, I felt a surge of guilt and shame rush through me

I had been famished, the hunger gnawing at my belly and the dryness of my throat a worse agony, like sandpaper. After that first sip – which went straight to my head, they gave me water. I gulped down a whole glass and then another and then another.

I’d justified my weakness during my prayers which had been intense. I promised that, for every day I sinned, I would fast thoroughly. As my mind grew light through hunger, that argument seemed to make sense, but as I filled myself on the forbidden food, I realised that I was only lying to myself, for if they kept me here indeterminably, then I would have to fast for the rest of my life. But then the Master had mentioned the possibility of a release although this was qualified with the warning that none of those who had gone before me had taken it. Why would they not do such a thing? What sting was there in this scorpion’s tail?

No answer came of course and so, at night I lay there on my bed in that rude dungeon feeling guilty, weak and shameful. I did not deserve to live. Before me countless martyrs had gone to their deaths for the faith yet there was I, having abandoned two of its core teachings after only a couple of days. What kind of Muslim was I supposed to be? An unworthy one! A shameful one! Astagfuralah!

Yet at the same time, the meat tasted so good and the wine – for they made me consume a glass with every meal – once you were used to it, I began to like. What is more, with the return of my food came the return of other things, things that I neither expected nor welcomed.

I dined with the Master every evening. He called me Sapphire which I found humiliating, like a Westernised parody of my true identity, but, worse than that, as I sat there in silence eating, I began to have thoughts. Glancing up at his manly physique, his domineering presence, I began to imagine him as I had once imagined my husband. In my mind he would come over, rip off my veil and embrace me passionately on the lips, paying no heed to my struggles and complaints. I should have hated, detested these visions from Shaytan, yet instead, humiliatingly, between my legs I grew warm, and I longed to touch myself there even though I knew it was a sin.

And at night it was worse. I would toss and turn in my abayah and wake up coated with sweat as, in the realm of dreams, he would enter into the room, see my exposed face and hair, pin me down to the bed and then take me, as only a husband should ever take his wife, but far more powerfully than my husband had ever done, as if he owned me, filling me with his presence, mastering me completely.

Astagfuralah, what kind of girl has such thoughts? What kind of Muslimah has dreams like that? Who was I?

And then, on the fourth day Sister Catherine came again carrying a bundle of cloth. “Remove your attire!” she commanded, “And put on these clothes!”

“But why?” I asked.

“You are to visit the convent of the enclosed sisters.”

“But I do not want to.”

“The Master commands it. You need to know what the alternative to the ceremony entails. The choice must be free and yours alone.”

Her argument made sense and, besides, if the Master commanded, how could I disagree? Sullenly I donned the garments.

In all honesty, they were not all that different to the attire of a strict Muslimah. The underwear was plain, and the abayah-type coat was baggy. The main difference was the weight; these garments were made of a thicker material.

Like Sister Catherine’s attire, I was dressed in black, but unlike her my veil was white. She draped it over my head and my vision changed from clear to blurred. “You wear white because you are a novice. Only full sisters like myself are allowed to wear black. And in the convent, we wear proper veils, not like this disgraceful excuse!” She pointed at my discarded single-layer niqab on the bed.

“What is wrong with it?” I retorted.

“It reveals your eyes. You use those green orbs to tempt and lure men like the whore you are. It conceals nothing, merely emphasises. In the convent, under the True Faith, we embrace a truly modest lifestyle.”

“What would you know of my way of living?” I snapped.

“For it was mine when I was called by the shameful name of Aisha,” she replied. Behind her coverings, she laughed. “You are far from the first Sapphire, and there will be many more after you. Perhaps though, like me, you will have the strength to adopt a truly holy lifestyle within the convent. I doubt it though; few have the faith and fortitude and you… you look like a weak and shame-ridden thing. Come!”

I made to go but she stopped me. “You have forgotten your crucifix on the bed!” she reminded.

“I did not forget it; I refuse to wear it. I am Muslim, not Christian.”

“In the convent we all wear it,” she replied in a tone that brooked no opposite. “Now, we can do this a number of ways; which is it to be?”

Like the shameful coward that I truly was, I took the cross and put it on. Then, sight dim, we left my bedroom.

The convent occupied one wing of the castle situated slightly below the main keep. To enter it, one had to pass through a stout locked door. Sister Catherine knocked, and a grille opened at the top. When satisfied with who it was, the unseen nun opened the door to let us in.

We were in a small antechamber. The nun, veiled as Sister Catherine was, handed us both an item. It was a black plastic ball on a strap. Astagfuralah, a gag! “We all gag in the convent,” whispered Sister Catherine. “Silence is golden.”

With nothing to lose, I lifted the veil and entered the ball in my mouth before buckling it behind. It was weird to have that invader in there, unwelcome and limiting. My voice had been taken from me. I was now silent as well as anonymous and hidden. Of course, Islam recommends silence in the presence of non-mahrams, but there were no men here, only sisters. I did not understand.

The unknown sister beckoned, and I followed. We walked down a corridor to a room. In the room were five nuns, each hidden, each silent, each sewing. The unknown sister selected one of the works to show me. The sister was sewing a red cross onto a man’s tunic. Another was sewing the words ‘Jesus’ onto a handkerchief. They just sat there in silence, sewing and sewing. I was given a needle and thread, some cloth, and a set of instructions. Through my veil I could just about see enough to work. I began.

How long I worked, I cannot say, but it was dull and boring, repetitive stuff. Then, at last, a bell rang, and the nuns silently rose. They filed out in a line and Sister Catherine indicated that I should follow them. They went down a corridor to a simple chapel. There, they knelt. I knelt at the back too, and the service began.

A lead nun, who was evidently not gagged like the rest of us, read the prayers. I didn’t understand a word as they were all in Latin but Iesu and Maria were mentioned a lot. I did not say a word, of course, as I could not and I wouldn’t have done so even if I could. Instead, I stayed there in silent devotion.

The service ended with an “Amen” and the chiming of a bell. We then all filed out for our meal. As before, I followed. The meal was eaten in silence, a thin tasteless gruel washed down with a glass of that accursed wine. The came more work and another service. After this came bed in which we were to lie, still covered, our hands chained to the sides of the frames to stop any nocturnal sinning.

And so, it continued for two days’ straight, a seemingly endless monotony of drudgery, prayers, meals and sleep. Always silent, always muffled and blurred, always without joy.

Well, except for one event. It was on the first night I was lying in my bed, weighed down by my clothing, unable to sleep, hating where I was but seeing no possible escape. This would not be an option that I would be taking, that was for sure.

Then, I heard a noise. Muffled and slight, but a noise, nonetheless. And I felt something too, someone! Someone undoing my clothing, climbing into the bed with me! I struggled against my chains, but it was to no avail, I was helpless, vulnerable.

Fingers, pulling down my trousers, tracing over my mons, touching me there… in… there.

I bucked and resisted but nothing changed. The fingers, slow and steady, expert as if this was far from the first time, bringing me to a climax most unwanted.

How can I express this to you? Some sisters, I know, like the explore the bodies of their fellow ukhtis. It is sinful, yes, sickening, but Shaytan has possessed their minds and causes a temporary madness. They get the same satisfaction as when they have a man in them, I am told, they scream and buck and long for more.

The fingers stopped and a breathed a sigh of relief. The evil had abated, whoever it was had seen the error of their sinful ways.

But then…Astagfuralah! Not fingers now but a tongue, no TWO tongues! Two tongues working away at that most sacred, most private of areas.

And despite what other sisters may feel, I do not dream of liaisons with an ukhti, I do not long for bare breasts against my own. Even my beloved co-wife Zareen, the thought of seeing her without clothing, let alone having her touch me, invade me, titillate me! Astagfuralah!

And yet, despite the disgust, unfulfilled for so long, with constant dreams of the Master coming to my bed, I found those hateful tongues succeeding, achieving what before only my husband had managed with his tool. I panted beneath my covers, squirming and both hating and loving the experience, ready to completion, eruption, that which we all desire when…

… they stopped.

Silence descended.

My trousers were pulled back up.

Then a whisper at my ear. “Choose this life when you go before the Master in his hateful ceremony. Embrace you true nature, Sapphire, and become a sister. This was only a taste of what pleasures we can bring. When we welcome you to our order, you will learn it all.

And then they were gone. I lay there, desperate for that release, sweating and writhing, my mind churning, yet helpless to do anything about it.

And shame came over. A woman had been there, had touched me, had stimulated me. And like with the meat and the wine, I had failed. Even though I hated her touch, it had aroused me and now I could only lie there chained and frustrated, unfulfilled save with shame and guilt over my natural state which was becoming clearer to me with each day I spent in this surreal castle.

It was the day of the ceremony. They released me early from the convent, took me back to my room and let me change. The clothes that I wore were new, not my own, but like the outfit that they had stolen from my home. Why did they not just give me back what was mine? I knew better than to ask. I would not receive an answer. Here, one accepts, not questions.

 Then, I was free to do as I liked. I wandered through the corridors, into empty rooms and onto the tops of turrets. As I sat there, my niqab lifted – well there were no non-mahram or indeed any people to see me – and looked out over the forested groves, I thought how beautiful it all was, what a glorious example of Allah’s Creation and how, well… if it weren’t for all the haram activity and influences, this would be a nice place to live. Nicer certainly than the back-to-backs of Bradford and its landscape of kebab houses, warehouses and rotting mills.

But then, midway through my reveries, as I gazed out over that gorgeous landscape, a shadow appeared. Sister Catherine. “It is time to prepare for the Ceremony,” she said simply.

I nodded, flipped down my veil and followed her.

She took me to a bathroom and ordered me to strip. The shower was warm and steamy, and I soaped myself all over. Then I rinsed it all off feeling clean and made my way out of the cubicle.

Waiting for me was a large fluffy towel and a razor. The implication was clear. I was to prepare myself.

In line with Islamic rules around hygiene and cleanliness, I shaved my armpits and my intimate areas. I then moved onto my legs but, after that, I stopped. One of the downsides of my race is that we have a lot of body hair, and it takes so long to shave the whole body so, I only bother with those areas where it is proscribed and my legs.

When I had done so, Sister Catherine entered. She nodded when she saw me, and I wondered – had hers been one of those two tongues? I longed to ask but knew instinctively that she would not tell. I hated her for her arrogance and anonymity. She handed me my own clothes, freshly laundered and folded.

I put on the shameful skimpy red lingerie, hating having her eyes scrutinising me as I did. Then, I gladly draped my black layers over it and my body, restoring my modesty and dignity. Finally, I pulled on my gloves and tied my niqab around my head. I nodded and she turned, leading me to my fate.

It was held in a large room that I had not entered before. It was situated in the depths of the castle, down a steep flight of stairs, built into the bedrock itself, more a cave than a chamber. The only light came from flaming torches high up on the walls. The floor was paved with marble and, inlaid in the centre was a large cross. Sister Catherine led me to it and then left me there.

I looked around, shaking. I was not alone in that subterranean dungeon. Around the wall were chairs and on each chair was a masked Templar. All wore the same tunic and mail; all were stout and manly like the Master and all stared at me from behind those anonymising masks. I counted them. There were forty in total.

One of the chairs was slightly larger than the others and on that chair sat a man I wearing a billowing cloak of white with a hood that went down over his face. He rose slowly and then intoned, “Ceremonia incipiant!”

The voice was familiar to me. It was the awe-inspiring Master.

All around a chanting rose, forty masculine voices in harmony, intoning Latin phrases. Although I understood none of it, the sound and the spectacle caused me to shudder and warm inside. It was beginning and I was the unwilling victim at the heart of the sacrifice!

The chanting died down and the Master strode over to me. “Behold Sapphire!” he boomed.

They stamped their feet in unison.

“Behold the Daughter of Eve who will choose her destiny tonight of her own free will!”

Again, they stamped.

When the noise died down, he stared into my eyes, his blue orbs piercing my soul. “You will be presented with several choices tonight. Chances to embrace or reject; chances to descend or ascend. Chances to be redeemed or damned. But before we do that, you are offered one opportunity to avoid this Ceremony and save your heathen soul. Sister Catherine of the Enclosed Carmelite Sisters waits by the door with an invitation to join their feminine order and pray for your sins until the day you are taken in glory to the Lord in Heaven. Do you accept her offer, Sapphire? Do you renounce sin and the devil and agree to join the ranks of the Christian soldiers?”

A life of drudgery, anonymity, and restraint, at the mercy of sin-ridden sisters who wished only to abuse and torment me in the most distasteful manner possible.

No, that could never be.

I shook my head and the knights stamped.

“The then Ceremony will be continued!”

I stood there before them all, protected by my veils, they also anonymous. It was terrifying and yet, at the same time, I felt that shameful warmth in my crotch. Being in the presence of such raw male dominance excited me in a way that worried me inside. I, who had always tried so hard to be pure, to follow the Deen, to obey the rules, and yet I was feeling desires most haram towards men who were as off-limits as anyone could be. They petrified me yet excited me. I hated them yet also I…

He stepped up towards me and declared, “You, Sapphire, have rejected the redeeming grace of Christ who died for your sins on the Cross. Therefore, you have allied yourself with Satan himself and this must now be reflected for the whole world to see. Brother, please bring the mark of her true nature!”

One of the cowled knights rose from his chair behind me and walked over to me. I longed to turn around but was scared by the presence of the man standing before me and also did not wish to accede to their games. The man fitted something on top of my head, headband of some sort, that I could feel pressing in on my skull. Then, he retreated.

“The mark of your true nature has been fitted, but still, you hide your face from the world, hide your real self from humanity and God Himself. Therefore, you must be revealed!”

And, leaning forward, he untied my niqab. I shook my head and whispered, “No! No! No!” but he paid no heed. He was in charge and his will would be done.

The cloth fell to the floor, and I was exposed. He held a mirror up before me and I gasped at what was reflected. My face, on view to strangers for the first time since puberty, framed by my black hijab which had previously represented modesty but now seemed to symbolise only the dark forces that he was telling me I adhered to. And atop that framed visage, two devil’s horns protruded! Gone was Safiyah and, in her place, a demon like those in the paintings on church walls.

“Behold thy true self, Sapphire!” he declared, and the entire assembly stamped their feet raucously.

He waited until it had died down and then continued, chanting in incomprehensible Latin. I longed to scream back at him, ‘Why the strange tongue? Can you not just talk to me in the language of common folk?!’ but then I recalled my own faith and the countless times when I had defended using Arabic over English. Yes, I was as guilty as he or any other!

The chanting ceased and silence befell. Then he did something I had not anticipated, nor wanted to! He withdrew his sword from its sheath and approached me slowly. I started trembling, cowering, “No! No! No! Ya Allah, not that, please not that!” I turned to run, but, without me realising, one of the cowled knights had crept up behind me and was holding me tight. So, this was to be the nature of their demonic ceremony! To murder me with cold steel in front of a watching crowd! To slice me open as punishment for my sinfulness and religion. But I didn’t want to die! Not there, not then! I screamed but they stayed silent, unmoved, uncaring. The steel glinted, razor sharp, ready to do its cruel duty. He held it before my uncovered face, and I stopped screaming. There was no use, it was too late, my fate was sealed. I stood proud before him and declared loudly and proud the Shahadah, ready to meet my maker.

He slashed.

I felt no pain.

He slashed again… and again.

Still no pain. Was the adrenaline keeping it out. I put my hands to my breast to feel the blood.

They were dry.

There was no blood.

Nor clothing.

Then I realised how expert his swordsmanship was, and how sharp his blade had been refined to.

The slashing had not been to divest me of my life, but instead my clothing. My protection. I was now virtually naked from the breast down.

He sheathed his sword and approached me. With a powerful tug, he removed the final tattered shreds of my abayah. I stood there virtually naked, a living shame. Only my hair was protected by the hijab and my breasts and private parts by the lacy red underwear.

The chanting began again, incessant, overpowering.

Vide eam in decedus!

Vide veram animae eius naturam!

Vide eam in decedus!

Vide veram animae eius naturam!

Over and over again, their feet stamping as I stood there trembling.

He approached me and leaned towards me. “They are saying, ‘Behold her in her shame! Behold the true nature of her soul!”

And shame is what I felt, deep shame. Yet also something else, in the presence of this overpowering man whom I both hated and… astagfuralah… desired.

 He let the chanting and stamping continue for some time and then raised his hands in triumph and, within an instant, it ceased.

“You may still take the option of going with the holy sisters, Sapphire! To save yourself from the shameful, demonic nature of the conclusion of the Ceremony. Do you reject the devil and wish to save your soul?”

I stared at him, and, for a split second, I do confess that I considered it. No, not that. But inside my stomach churned, for unlike earlier, this was no stalwart defence of my deeply-held religious beliefs. No, this was different now: those horns were more than mere charade, no meaningless costume. Now that I knew they weren’t going to murder me, I found myself almost wanting this bizarre theatre to continue. I wanted to be exposed for what I was before these people who both despised and desired me.

Slowly, I shook my head.

“See this shameful Sapphire!” his voice boomed. “Behold her true nature! She rejects Christ, for the Devil, rejects purity for filth, rejects heaven for hell!”

Their feet stamped and the chanting commenced, but whilst they intoned, his voice rose higher, almost screaming in ecstasy and fervour. “Behold the true nature of this horned vixen! Beneath the plain black exterior, she dresses only to titillate, to incite! Behold this underwear, the read of sin, an invitation to trespass! She how she is proud to don it, how she chose it freely, how she longs for what is to come!”

He unsheathed his sword again and pressed its tip to my chest. This time I neither screamed nor writhed, but instead stared at him defiant.

“Impale yourself on my blade, horned vixen! End it all now, it would not be suicide! Use this mercy to escape your shame! Lean forward, it will not be long or painful!”

I stayed stock still and with a practised and skilful move, he sliced through the bra, it falling to the floor, exposing my breasts to the room.

The room which chanted and stamped.

My nipples rock hard like pebbles, my desire undeniable now, the horns reflecting the truth.

He reached forward and touched my pants. Touched me over that most sacred place. Then he raised that hand and displayed it to the world. “See how it glistens! Behold the dampness, the damp of shameful desire! Of course, she rejected Christ, of course she embraced the devil! It is her nature! Behold!”

And still they chanted, still they stamped.

The sword came out again and, before I knew it, the pants were on the floor, and I was exposed. Fully exposed, my slit dripping, my shame for all to see.

He sheathed his sword again and then moved his hands to his crotch. He released his tool from the confines and stood before me in his full glory. It was huge, much larger than my husbands, and so hard. The veins stood out and the uncircumcised head bulged. I imagined it inside me and felt weak.

He approached me and then stopped, the tip brushing my sex but no more. The chanting had grown louder and the stamping faster. The whole assembly was rising to a climax.

Then he raised his hands and silence fell. Deathly silence, leaving me alone with that monster.

“I invited you before to impale yourself on my blade, horned vixen,” he said. “I do so again, except that this time I believe you will accept the offer, for it is who you are.”

And although my mind screamed no, and my brain demanded I retreat from that rod, my body would not obey. Was it something they had put in my food, or all the treatment they had subjected me to those past weeks?

Or was it me, my real animal nature. The true Sapphire shining through after decades of pretence.

I thrust forward and he entered me, filled me, embraced me. I groaned at the length, the width, the hardness.

And he? He put his arm around me, almost tenderly, cupping my naked buttocks with his hands and, lovingly, lifted me up and in, knowing how I could achieve pleasure whilst he did.

And whilst I rode his rampant length the chanting grew and grew, louder and louder, faster and faster…

Vide eam in decedus!

Vide veram animae eius naturam!

Vide eam in decedus!

Vide veram animae eius naturam!

And then, with one almighty thrust, he erupted deep within me, filling me with his hot seed, fulfilling me with his mastery. All around they stood, stamping and clapping, whilst I collapsed, defeated into his arms, my head on his chest as his hands removed my horns and hijab to reveal my flowing raven locks.


I still live in that castle. I always will, until the day I die. As promised, the following day they offered me my freedom. But I did not take it; I could not. I told myself it was because they had filmed the whole thing; that if I went back my people would reject me, judge me, call me a whore when they saw my shame.

How could my husband ever lie with me again after seeing such images?

That is how I justified to myself at first. Of course, it was not the truth. Not the raw reality. I could not go back, not because my husband could not lie with me after the Ceremony, but instead the reverse. Every time I shared his bed, I would be thinking of my powerful crusader, my public impalement.

And I would always know that I could have avoided it yet chose not to. I could have chosen apostasy or even death. Yet instead, I continued. For I needed him within me. I need to be filled by his seed.

I am his woman now, and I lie with him in his chamber. He is strong and he is manly, yet he can also be kind and loving in private.

I also lie with the others. My crusader is not jealous. They are a brotherhood and brothers may share all things.

I am filled and fulfilled constantly.

I have not converted, they do not expect me to now. They know that I could never really accept Christ in my heart when such demonic desires also live there. But do I keep my original faith? Perhaps on the surface I do. I still wear my hijab. But always with the horns. They are never absent. For that is who I am.

Safiyah has been laid in her grave. Sapphire smiles triumphant.

And she waits eagerly in the garret room as her crusader approaches…

15/05/2022 – 04/07/2022, Smallthorne & Sandyford Cricket Club, UK

Copyright © 2022, “Majnun”

Sapphire’s Sister

This story Sapphire story. If you like Sapphire and her stories, let her know here.

This story is a sequel to Sapphire’s Servant. The action starts around six months after that has finished.

Sapphire’s Sister

Things are not well in our strange little household. Sapphire’s not happy; Crystal’s not happy. Only Majnun seems content.

So, you two call a conference at the kitchen table.

“I’m tired!” you protest. “She’s insatiable!”

Crystal shrugs. “I can’t help it that I have a healthy sexual appetite.

“And you’re insatiable!” you say, pointing at me.

I shrug. How could I not be? After so long dreaming, I have two wives at my disposal… plus the opportunity to watch them enjoying each other. In all honesty, I’m surprised I can think of anything else.

“We need to change!” you demand. “I need some of the burden relieving. I need another co-wife!”


“I can’t help but agree with her. This is meant to be a harem of jewels,” buts in Crystal, “but we’ve no emerald or ruby or topaz or…”


“Why not? Why can’t we just find some nice young thing who wants to join us? I want a younger wife to tell what to do and relieve my frustrations on!”

“Mmmm…” adds Crystal, licking her lips.

“That’s not very nice, Sapphire!” I protest.

“Who ever said I was nice? I always told you I have a dark side; you just chose not to listen.”

“Let’s kidnap one, some hot nineteen-year-old! Forcibly induct her into our harem and…”

“No Crystal, no way! That’s mean… and illegal!”

You two look at one another and roll your eyes. “Really Majnun, I do wish you were a bit more Dave Potter at times!” you protest.

“He wouldn’t think twice about abducting a Ukrainian teen looking for a new life in the west.”

“No he wouldn’t, Crys, but we could do better than that. We could get an Armenian!”

You both look at me with your piercing stares. “What’s that meant to mean?” I protest.

“Oh come on, we all know you have an Armenian fantasy! Let’s get you a nice young Armenian with a huge butt and big brown eyes like that one you used to fantasise over!”

“What was her name again, Saph?”

“Ar.. Ar… Araxia!”

“That’s it! A damn sexy name that, although we’d have to change it for our purposes.”

“I’d go for Topaz personally…”

“Excuse me, what are you talking about?” I try to butt in.

It is as if I wasn’t there. “She was one of his students, wasn’t she?”

“Yeah, when he taught overseas. A bit inappropriate that, although she was eighteen.”

“Even so, trust issues…”

“Excuse me ladies, there was never anything inappropriate between me and Araxia Manuelyan!”

“But you wanted there to be!”

You both laugh uproariously.

“Say, she’s probably still about and still cute. Let’s kidnap her!”

“Araxia is married these days.”

“That never stopped you from going after a girl in the past!”

More laughter.

“No! No! No! You’re not bringing any girl unwillingly into our household and that’s it!”

You two look at one another and then at me. “And you’re not getting that cock cage unlocked unless we do something. What’s wrong with another co-wife? You didn’t object to the first two!”

“That was different. You, Crystal, were willing, whilst you, Sapphire, well… your situation was… unique.”

“And there’s your problem, Majnun,” you counter. “All you want to do is rescue helpless maidens.”

You and Crystal look at one another and roll your eyes. “Men!” she exclaims.

“I’ll never understand them. Either white knights or misogynists, no middle ground!”

You both laugh again.

“Still,” says Crystal eventually, “that does leave us with a problem. I want a little co-wife to play with, to corrupt and get into bondage games ’cos she really isn’t that adventurous in that department!”

You shrug.

“And I want a little co-wife to boss about and to give me a rest from the constant sex with you two!”

“And he wants to rescue another Rapunzel from the tower. To charge in on his white stallion and pick up and innocent and willing little missy. So, what’s the solution?”

“There isn’t one!” I say firmly. “No girl is going to freely come into an environment like ours so forget it!”

But, again, it is as if I never spoke. “What did you say again?” you ask Crystal.

“I said he wants to rescue Rapunzel.”

“No, after that…”

“That he wants to charge in on his white stallion and pick up and innocent and willing little missy…”

“Precisely, and that has given me a wonderfully wicked idea…” you say and I can almost imagine the horns sprouting from your head.

Two months’ later…

We are in Bradford, your hometown. And because we’re there and your husband is still furious that you walked out on him causing “dishonour” and “shame”, this is the first time in months that you’re covering up. Safety first. You’re sitting on your own on a bench by the murky-coloured pool in Horton Park. All around people mill, children playing, couples strolling. You though, are waiting. Waiting to meet someone whom you haven’t set eyes on for almost a year.

Up ahead, you see her approaching. She hasn’t changed much. A little older perhaps, possibly wiser, but the outfit and the look in her eyes. You stand and wave. “Salaam aleikum Sapphire!” she says.

“Waleikum salaam Missy!” you reply, and then you hug your former co-wife.

Your new co-wife and your new husband are nearby. At the opposite end of the park to be exact. I am using my camera as a phone and Crystal is jogging about in leggings and a crop top.

And she looks pretty damn hot by the way.

I, however, am not filming her, but instead the man that has been, not so covertly following his youngest wife into the park. The imam of the local masjid. Your first husband. He is focussed on tracking his wife and then confronting the woman that she’s meeting up with. The wife who disgraced him and his family. The wife whom he is going to forcibly return into his loving embrace. He checks his phone. There are two cousins waiting in a car nearby, ready to pounce the moment he calls.

Unfortunately, he is so busy checking for Missy and his phone that he does not notice the athletic gori in the leggings and crop top. Does not notice her until she smashes into him and, accidentally, sends the phone flying out of his hand.

“Astagfuralah! Madam, what are you doing…?”

But this random jogger isn’t listening. Instead, she throws her arms around him and starts embracing him passionately, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth, her hands caressing his body through the thobe. He struggles, but she is strong, and it is a few seconds of seemingly passionate embrace before he can free himself.

All of which are captured on camera.

“What are you doing, madam? This is haram, it is…”

“Don’t tell me that you don’t like it big boy… and don’t pretend that you don’t recognise me! After all, we’ve been fucking for months now; it’s just that you never wanted to do it in public before.”

“What do you mean, I never saw you…”

But she is strong, and she seems to know martial arts. Before he realises, she has tripped him up and he is lying on his back.

With her on top of him.

Hitching up his thobe whilst she removes her leggings to reveal a distinct lack of underwear underneath.

“Fuck me now, Salafi man! Fuck me like you do every night in secret!”

“Get off me! You harlot! You whore! Get off me! I’ll…”

“And cut!”

He looks up at the sound of the male voice and, in an instant, the horny gori simply climbs off him and straightens her clothes, making sure to pick up his mobile phone as she does.

“Who are you?” he asks, reclothing himself.

“I’m Sapphire’s new husband and she is her co-wife. And that footage of you fucking a kaffir in the park is now in the cloud. Anything happens to us… or Sapphire… and it goes public. And your reputation will really be ruined then!”

“You treacherous kaffir bastards! You…!”

“And you should have appreciated the treasure in your hands whilst she was there, instead of treating her like shit and getting in a younger model.”

“An illegally underage younger model too,” adds Crystal.

“But the past is a race that’s won and lost, and so let’s dwell on it. We’re now going to tell you want you will do if you don’t want your reputation ruined amongst the akhis and ukhtis. You will turn around now and go home. Once at home, you will agree to the request for a divorce that Sapphire submitted two weeks ago. And you will also pronounce a triple talaq on Missy absolving her from that legally and ethically abhorrent relationship.”

“You can’t…”

“You may remarry if you wish,” Crystal takes over, “but it must be a widow, must be someone totally willing and no one fucking underage. In other words, it must be as the Prophet intended when he allowed polygamy.”

“And if she doesn’t want kids, you won’t force her too!” I add.

“So, please, fuck off!” says Crystal with a wave. He lurches at her but a couple of punches and swerves later and he’s writhing on the floor.

Crystal takes his phone, places it on the gravel next to him and then grinds it with her foot so that it is completely destroyed. “Just in case you’ve got a few goons in a car nearby,” she says.

Then, smiling, she takes my hand, and we walk off in the opposite direction.

On the park bench, Missy is trying her best. You have to hand it to the girl, she’s really trying. Ever since her co-wife got in touch with her out of the blue two months earlier, she’s been working hard to bring you back into the fold.

She told their husband and mother-in-law the moment that she was contacted of course. The upheaval caused by Sapphire’s exit had been momentous, not to mention the whisperings of wrongdoing in the masjid that were never open but also never quelled. At first, she did not mind. It made her stand out even more as the superior wife in every respect, but then she realised that she needed Sapphire about. Without her as a buffer, MiL turned the full vent of her bullying on the younger wife. Plus, she was expected to pick up all of Sapphire’s duties in the home and, since she’d now finished college, there were far less opportunities to get out of it all.

Plus, she was lonely. It was true that the older wife was more than a little bit weird and strange, like one of those gori girls at school who wear black, look miserable and talk to no one, but she was at least some company, and far superior conversation than MiL. No, Sapphire had to return, and if she could be instrumental in achieving it, then her star would rise higher than ever.

Which is why she was so pleased when her co-wife, who seemed to be unhappy in her new life with the insidious kaffir, agreed to meet up in the park near their house.

And why she is trying so very hard to convince you to come back home.

“We’re missing you; we really are! You’re such a lovely person to have around the house. Our husband was in tears for days when you disappeared. He thought you’d been murdered or raped or something and so went to the police but of course they didn’t do anything because they only care about the kaffir. When he heard you were alive he gave thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. We all want you back so much; we’re not a proper family without you, ukhti.”

Ukhti. Sister. Hmm. You can see that she speaks a mixture of true and outright lies. She does want you back, that is clear, but its probably not because of what a wonderful person you are. You recall MiL’s bullying and guess the real reason. Plus the fact that Missy never really embraced housework.

“I don’t know, sister. Part of me would like to, but I am scared. The dishonour and shame thing. I cannot go back!”

“Oh, they don’t care about things like this. Our husband is forward-looking, not stuck in tribal thinking. Like the Prophet, peace be upon him, when Ayesha was caught with a non-mahram man, he will forgive you.”

As she speaks, you are reminded of how young, naïve, and innocent she is. And also how rather unintelligent and dull. Months spent living with two sharp intellects has brought the difference into focus and it is startling. ‘How did I not go mad through boredom with such stultifying company?’ you think to yourself.

You pretend to be having second thoughts.

“I tell you what, let’s go for a coffee. Maybe I will come back if things are as you say. But I’d need to get my things from out of the car…”

“You have a car!”

“Yes, of course. I learned to drive a couple of months ago and I bought myself an Audi with the money from my job.”

“You can drive, and you work and you have an Audi?!”

You knew the brand would grab her. She’s that kind of girl. The technical term for it is “a bit thick and shallow”. Still, she’s young and is it entirely her fault? She’s never had the opportunity to be otherwise.

As you get up and start to walk with her to the café that sells coffees, your mind begins to swirl. You came here wanting revenge, to get your own back on her for everything that she did to you, but now you’re starting to feel a little sorry for her. You curse yourself: surely spending so long with that Majnun guy has not turned you into a rescuer as well.

You hope not. You want to fulfil your darker side.

You order the coffees and pay, whilst she stands in the background. She does not notice you add some white powder into hers as you put in the milk. You hand her the cup and then walk to the car. “Would you like to get in and feel what it’s like?” you ask.

Like a child in a sweetshop, she agrees. She’s gets in the passenger seat, and you get in the driver’s seat. Out of the corner of your eye you spy Crystal and I standing against a wall across the road. I slip you a thumbs-up and Crystal winks. You nod, turn to Missy, and say, “Let’s drink our coffees in here and then drive back home.”

She smiles, drunk with the success of her mission and takes a deep gulp.

A minute later, she has passed out completely.

Missy wakes up in a strange room. Where is she? What has happened? What has that weirdo Sapphire done? Her head hurts and it is all strange. She is still dressed but is lying on a double bed.

She looks around. The walls are all made of logs and there is a faint sound of birdsong outside. There are French windows and so she opens them and walks out. A stunning moorland vista confronts her, wild hills under a stormy sky.

Sitting on the balcony of the log cabin is a man. He smiles when he sees her and says, “Hello sleepyhead! You must be Missy.”

She looks at him stunned.

“I… err… who are you…?”

“My name is Majnun,” I reply, “and I am Sapphire’s husband.”

“But Sapphire is married already…”

“A technicality. Please, sit.”

I gesture to the adjacent chair. “But you are non-mahram!” she protests sweetly.

I shrug. “Don’t sit then. But I believe that our dinner will soon be ready and suspect you want to know what is happening.”

Curiosity gets the better of her and she sits.

Over dinner I tell her what has happened. That Sapphire was engaging in haram interactions online for years. That I was one of those that she spoke to, and that Crystal was another. That she left and now lives with Crystal and me and that we are lovers. “You mean that she is your lover?! But she was never into the sex thing at all.”

“She simply hadn’t found the right man. Your husband is notoriously bad at it I am led to believe. He does not know how to satisfy a lady.”

She is childishly indignant. “I enjoy sex with him very much! He is good at it!”

“And how many other men have you tried?”

“None, of course. I am a pious woman!”

“Then you cannot say that he is good for you have nothing to compare with. If you’d only ever drunk Aldi Cola you’d think it was the best drink in the world. Try Pepsi or Coke and the illusion will be shattered.

Missy has tried Aldi Cola way too much because MiL does not like it when they waste money on brands, so she understands the analogy perfectly.

“And I am not Sapphire’s only lover. She lies with Crystal too.”

“What, a woman!? Astagfuralah!”

“Perhaps if you’d have lain with her when you were married, she’d never have left?”

“Lie with a girl? Yuck!”

“Don’t knock what you’ve never tried. Do you like pork, Missy?”

“Of course not! It’s haram and horrible!”

“And what about this food?”

“Oh this is wonderful! It’s really tasty!”

“Crystal and Sapphire have prepared it. Crystal is famous for her marinated pork ribs. I’m glad that you’re enjoying them.”

Missy throws the rib she’s been munching down on the plate. “You horrible man!”

I shrug. “It doesn’t matter. Sapphire’s made you some chicken if you decide to go halal, although since you’ve already started, you might as well finish. Particularly since you were enjoying it so much.”

She looks at the pork guiltily.

“So, Sapphire, Crystal and I are very happy together, but you are still Sapphire’s little sister wife and so she feels bad. She wants you to join us as well.”

“I could never! My husband and family…”

“I told Sapphire that you’d say that, but the dear girl doesn’t listen. Oh well, the offer is there. I am happy to take you as the third wife in my harem and, to be honest, I’d really like to. Sapphire always said that you were pretty, and she didn’t lie.”

Missy blushes. She is actually pretty in a way. Back when I first knew you, you always said that Missy was really pretty in comparison to you. That was bullshit of course; she doesn’t have your bewitching, enigmatic qualities; she is too ordinary, but that teeny tiny waist is cute and in a corset it could become unbelievable. You were so lacking in confidence back then. Thankfully, that isn’t a problem these days. Quite the opposite in fact.

“But in my harem,” I continue, “every girl must shed her name. I call my home the Jewel Casket as I collect the most precious jewels created by Allah. That is why I want you there, of course. But you need a jewel name. I have a Crystal and a Sapphire, so what could you be? Hmm. Those coal-black desi eyes of yours are really enchanting. Yes, you are the black stone, the Onyx. That is your new name, Missy. After all, where is the holiest spot-on earth but the Kaaba, which attracts millions of pilgrims every year? And where the most precious part of the Kaaba but the black stone which they all yearn to kiss? Well, I too am a pilgrim, a hajji for love, and I too yearn to embrace the black stone.”

And with those words I lean forward and embrace her on the lips and, weakened by poetry and the aphrodisiacs pumped into the food, she does not resist.

She does not resist that, but afterwards the defences come up. I do not mind. I expected as much. Indeed, I did not expect the kiss. When I ask her to spend the night with me, she steadfastly refuses. I nod and say that I understand, that unlike some people, I would never coerce a young lady into marriage, and so, all things considered, since it is now too late to return home today, she will instead spend the night in the women’s room with my two co-wives. She seems relieved.

Little does she realise.

As Crystal might say, “Muahahaha!”

After the dinner the two co-wives come to collect their new sister. We’d agreed that you two should stay out of the way until this point and when she sees you, she gives you dagger eyes. But your warm embrace softens her and, coupled with the effects of the three lemonades that she’s drunk (naturally, no one thought to mention that they were alcoholic) and the aphrodisiacs she has consumed, plus the compliments she’s received and the doubts about her husband’s sexual prowess that now cloud her young mind, she is putty in your hands. You all cuddle up in the king-sized bed and, almost as soon as the lights have been extinguished, the fun begins.

At first she resists, but Crystal is persistent and she knows where to touch. You know how to kiss and, as you explore her mouth, Crystal moves downstairs. Without her even realising it, she begins to reciprocate and, before she knows it, is experiencing intimacy and pleasure like she never knew existed. Crystal’s tongue is expert, and she knows how to stimulate that nub, but when she senses the young girl’s breathing quicken, she desists, withdraws, and indicates for you to take over whilst she starts kissing Missy’s lips.

It is on the third time that she is brought to the brink that she screams, “Please let me finish!”

You are firm with her. “No! It is not right! If you’re going to finish, it needs to be with a man inside you!”

She shakes her head, tries to resist, but the expert edging continues regardless. On the fifth time she agrees.

I enter immediately, having been watching the whole tantalising show on the video stream from the camera you set-up. She is desperate, screaming. The release is almost immediate the moment that I enter her powerfully.

Our mission is complete. Within ten minutes she is fast asleep in Crystal’s arms. You and I retire to the other room. “How long do you reckon it’ll take?” I ask you as we begin a slow and steady rhythm.”

“Two months maximum,” you reply, your green eyes sparkling and your mind and body on fire.


Six months later

We are in a castle. Not the same one where we consummated our relationship in that dungeon suite. No, that would not be suitable these days. You are the Lady of the Manor now, so something grander is required. But it is a castle nonetheless, and it is a grand celebration.

A double celebration.

The officiant has never dealt with anything like this before, but she does it well, professionally, as if such things happen every day. Before her stand a couple. Two women dressed in gorgeous 1880s gowns complete with miniscule waists and huge bustles. The breasts of both women surge up and down, partly from the excitement and partly from their overtightened corsets.

“Emily and Missy, we have heard your vows and your promise of faithful love. I now declare you to be married!” says the officiant.

A lot has happened since we last met. Missy fell asleep in the arms of her new lovers, but then woke up the following morning on a bench in Horton Park. When she checked the mobile phone in her pocket, she saw the video of her late night lovemaking on there and gulped, thinking about deleting it immediately, but then deciding that she may wish to watch it a couple more times first. She dreaded her husband and mother-in-law’s responses when she got back home, but to her surprise, both were subdued, and he was sporting numerous bruises.

She tried to revert to her former life, but instead her thoughts were forever plagued by the events of that surreal evening. They had awoken something in her, something that she never knew existed. Sex with her husband was never the same afterwards and he sensed it. One evening, only three weeks after that fateful night, she broke down in tears and he declared the triple talaq.

You collected her in the Audi the following morning and no one tried to interfere.

Since then, she has lived with the trio, and she has been happy. From the outset she has developed a deep affection for Crystal who almost monopolises her. The relationship is not an equal one but they both enjoy it. Missy even likes being tied up and bound which is something that you’ll never quite get your head around.

Her relationship to you though, is something that none of us anticipated. With no real competition for affections and your revenge already meted out, you softened towards her and instead of a rival, began to see her as a little sister, helping her out, supporting her. Even teaching her to drive. It is strange but comforting. Of course, you still bicker, but it is no longer toxic or serious. On the eve of her wedding to Emily, it was you who helped her into the elaborate gown that her new wife had chosen, and who laced her to fainting point.

A happy equilibrium has been reached.

The officiant now turns her head to the other couple standing before her. I am resplendent in my suit whereas you are a vision of shimmering white in a full-length figure-hugging gown that picks out all your exquisite curves to perfection, whilst your carefully-coiffured raven hair cascades in all its glory.

“Sapphire and Majnun, we have heard your vows and your promise of faithful love. I now declare you to be married!” says the officiant with a smile.

“And now,” she announces with a laugh, “you may kiss the brides!”

Written Smallthorne, UK, 27/06/2022

Copyright © 2022, “Majnun”

Sapphire’s Servant

This story is a Sapphire story. If you like Sapphire and her stories, let her know here.

The sequel to this story is Sapphire’s Sister

Sapphire’s Servant

I’m sitting in the Arrivals hall of Terminal 2 at Manchester Airport. The LA flight has just arrived, and the passengers are beginning to trickle through, laden heavy with baggage. I do not watch them; however, it would be wrong. For today two of those passengers will be joining me in my home. I’m excited. It’s the first bit of excitement I’ve had for three months. Ever since you cut me off again, this time for no apparent reason, I’ve had little to fill my evenings save for writing and fantasising about us being together. You really are an enigma. You simply said that you needed space to get your head straight. I respect that but three months! It is pure torture! Still, Majnun survived for years without his Layla, so what choice do I have?

And unlike Majnun, I have Emily to provide some distraction. That’s who is arriving today, although she’s demanding that I call her Crystal whilst she’s here. It’s her harem name. We’ve fantasised long into the night about setting up a harem full of forced inductees, each one stripped of their real name and replaced by that of a jewel, for that’s all they are: my precious jewels who need to be hidden and protected. It’s kinky as hell and it goes some way to soothing the pain left by your absence, although I know it never will entirely, for Crystal is not like Sapphire, she needs a woman in her life just as much as a man. She needs both in fact, so she’ll always be a shared jewel. And, about a year ago, she found her perfect match.

She’s called Ruby. Well, that’s what I’ve been told she’s called. Crystal isn’t into real names after all, and any jewel harem needs a ruby, right? Apparently, she’s a vegan hippie, so maybe her name actually is Ruby after all. That quite surprised me; I mean, there was me thinking that Crystal (well, Emily…) was some meat-eating outdoorsy type who liked nothing better than shooting wild animals and then grilling their remains on a barbeque, and now she’s bonding with her love over organic hummus. Nowt as funny as folk.

And anyway, Crystal has found her Ruby and Ruby is coming with Crystal for a short break of veiled and fet fun. I don’t know what I think about it. I mean, on the one hand, two cute girls into Sapphic dalliances in my house dressed in veils is sort-of like some erotic fantasy come true. But then what I really want Sapphire not Sapphic sex. If only there was one more jewel in the collection… Beggars though, cannot be choosers and, well… we’ll see how it goes.

Two veiled women, black anonymous cones come walking across the concourse gloved hand in gloved hand. I smile and stand. They come up to me. “Crystal?” I ask.

“Sure is,” says the left-hand one in an American drawl.

“And so, you must be Ruby?” I address the one on the right.

“Sure am,” she replies.

“Let’s get going them!” I say, not touching either of them because, well… that would be haram.

In the car on the drive down to Stoke, Crystal does most of the talking. Ruby says little and when she does, I notice that he accent is less distinct. That’s the difference between growing up in an LA suburb as opposed to a cabin in the mountains of Maine I surmise. She seems a nice girl though, into Bob Dylan and Joan Baez. I get some suitable tracks on the mp3 player, and the notes carry us along the motorway home.

Once in the house, I get out the pre-prepared Nikah Mut’ah and we all sign it straightaway. So, now we’re legal. Well, as legal as we’re going get. Ruby and Crystal hug each other and then hug me.

“Now what?” I ask.

“We consummate the marriage of course!” declares Ruby.

My stomach churns. This was clearly not what we agreed. “Listen, Ruby, I’m…”

“No way! I’ve been waiting so long for this. And there, in my living room, she climbs on top of me and starts hitching up her abayah whilst Crystal sits across from us looking on with interest.”

“Ruby, please! I can’t, I…”

“We’re married now, aren’t we? And I haven’t had a guy in so long. I only agreed to this goddamned crazy trip for a chance to get a piece of action and…”

“Emily, tell her!”

“I’m Crystal now, remember, not Emily!”

“Jesus, Ruby, no, please stop doing that, please!”

She’s undone my fly and is busy massaging my tool with her gloved hands.

A tool that needs no massaging might I say.

“What ya complain’ about, Majnun? Your little man looks like he’s enjoyin’ it!”


“Or is it that ya don’t find me attractive? Am I not woman enough for ya, not exotic enough…?”

How could I say if I found this crazy hippie attractive or not? Jeez, I couldn’t even see her!

“No Ruby, it’s not that, it’s just that there’s someone else.”

“I know that, she’s here, lookin’ on. And she loves that, trust me, watchin’ other folks getting’ it on. There was this one time when we were in Pasadena and…”

“No, I’m not on about Em… Crystal. It’s not her. There’s another girl you see, I really like her and…”

Ruby stops and sits on top of me. “What? That Sapphire do you mean?!”

“Crystal told you about her?”

“Sure, she did! My God, Majnun, you are one messed up screwball! You’re tellin’ me that you’re willin’ to forgo sex with your wife because of some weird Goth chick who can’t even be bothered to meet up with ya for coffee, cuts you off for months on end and won’t leave her husband who don’t give two shits about her for some guy who’s obviously besotted.”

“Ruby, it’s not like that. There are dangers, and she’s happy in her community and culture. It’s complicated!”

“Bullshit, Majnun! That little bitch is playin’ ya along whereas this bitch jus’ wants to get it on!”

“Ruby, please…”

“So, ya tellin’ me that you’re definitely not going to do it with me now because of some crazy cat a hundred miles away who won’t even make the slightest effort whereas I just travelled several thousand miles to be here and am dressed up in this weird misogynistic get-up just to please you and Crystal?”

“I’m sorry Ruby, it’s just that… Sapphire… I dunno, she’s cool. She’s kind and nice, pure-hearted and, I’m Majnun and she’s my Layla. I’m Sapphire’s servant so I can’t. Sorry.”

She sighs, climbs off, pats down her abayah and storms out of the room.

Emily comes across and sits by me. “Sorry, she said, putting an arm around me. “I thought you would; she was excited about this. Say, shall I make you an English cuppa and we can try and work this out?”

“That’d be great, thanks.”

She disappears into the kitchen, and I hear the kettle start to boil. My mind is in turmoil. What the hell was happening? I had just turned down one of my hottest fantasies ever and the reason why was, as Ruby had said, ridiculous: a girl who doesn’t even want to change her situation, who is completely happy where she is in her current situation even though it would kill me. A girl whom I’ll only ever love from a distance.

Yet I couldn’t be dishonest. It would be wrong! Like the Majnun of the legends, I am doomed.

Emily re-enters bearing a steaming mug of tea. Teary-eyed, I take it from her and thank her. She’s put her arms around me, and we hug. Then I take a sip. By the time I have taken my third sip, the world has already started to spin, and I collapse onto Emily’s lap.

I awaken in a strange room. Plain white walls, the monotony only broken by a framed piece of Islamic calligraphy on the wall. I’m naked. Completely naked.

What has happened?

Where the fuck am I?

What is Emily’s game?

I stand up and realise something disturbing. I am not completely naked. My cock is encased in some weird metal device, a device that ensures it cannot get erect at all. A device locked with a little padlock. A chastity device.

What. The. Actual. Fuck?!

I go over to the window and draw back the curtains. It looks out over a road lined with kebab shops and Asian supermarkets. I’m in some immigrant ghetto in a British city. But where? And why?

The only furniture in the room is a wardrobe. I open it and find a men’s salwar kameez set and then a white thobe. Hmm.

With no choice, I put them on.

I go downstairs but the house is empty. There’s a key in the door and I’m hungry so I go out. I wander down the street. It’s called Wilmslow Road and I realise where I am: I’m staying in a flat above a shop on Manchester’s curry mile.

And I’m dressed like a revert, but my dick is in chastity.

And I’m hungry and have no money whatsoever.


I walk down the road breathing in the smells of the exotic foods. One of the restaurants I recognise: I went there years ago with my mate Neil: ‘Jaffa’, a Palestinian place. What would I do for a meal there now? Then I notice two veiled women sitting at a table by the window waving at me. I stare at them, and they beckon me in.

I enter.

“Husband, it has taken you such a long time to wake up from your siesta,” says Crystal.

“We’ve already ordered for you,” adds Ruby.

I eat the mezze of hummus, baba ghanoush and faul. It’s very good but my mind is in turmoil. My two “wives” merely eye each other cheekily – Ruby’s dark brown eyes contrasting with Crystal’s blue-grey ones – and chatter in Salafist phrases. They’re getting into their roles at least.

When I’ve finished, they follow me “home”.

Once inside I demand a conference. We sit around the table, and I demand to know what’s going on.

“It’s simple,” says Crystal. “We want to make this marriage thing proper. We’re both into each other, but we need a guy from time to time. A guy who gets our kinks and will let us pretend to be Salafi wives. You know how long I’ve fantasised about living this way, but that I never can because I don’t believe in any of the religious stuff at all. Ruby gets that and you get it too. Besides, we’re both getting a bit clucky and the way that science works dictates that two women cannot make a baby together. So, we’re making this marriage happen, starting with a proper consummation tomorrow.”

“But I told you already, you know… Sapphire.”

“And I’ve already let you know clearly that she doesn’t deserve you. If she really wanted you, she’d have done something about it by now,” counters Ruby. “So, forget her! Who needs a Sapphire when they have a Crystal and a Ruby in their harem?”

“Ruby, I can’t!”

“Majnun, you’re going to have to,” says Crystal with severity. “Because you have no choice. The deal is this: For the next two months, you are marrying us both and we will be getting our full marital rights. And why will you be doing this? Because if you don’t, me and Rubes are shopping Sapphire to her husband and co-wife. We know where she lives and we will be sharing all those photos, all those stories about her and all that erotica she has written!”

“Emily, you evil fucking bitch! How could you even think of such an act? She could be in real danger?! Those communities, you don’t know what they do to preserve honour! Banaz Mahmod and…”

“Which is why, Majnun baby, you’re going to be getting it on with us tomorrow night,” said Ruby. “’Cos you are, how did you term it… Sapphire’s servant… so you’ll do whatever you need to protect her.”

Silence reins. They’ve really got me here, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I will have to betray Sapphire to keep her safe.

After our chat, the two ladies leave the house. I sleep alone in that soulless room, isolated from the world without even a phone for company. My cock aches in its prison but I am unable to free it.

My life is at rock-bottom, and I silently pray to Sapphire to help me.

In the morning I come downstairs. There’s an envelope on the table addressed to me. I open it and find a letter and a train ticket. It is for a 12:26 departure from Manchester Piccadilly to Edinburgh Waverley, after which I change to get to a place called Newtongrange. I’ve never heard of it before.

The note is short and to the point:


Ruby and I wanted to make our first night together as a married unit memorable. The train will take you to Newtongrange where there will be a taxi waiting to escort you to the venue. Your outfit is in the wardrobe in your room. We are so excited about seeing you and I hope you can forgive the circumstances and our sneakiness. There’s £20 here for you to buy some breakfast and lunch. We will be having dinner when we meet.

All our love,

Your two harem girls,

Crystal and Ruby

I sit alone on the train as it thunders north, gazing out at the rain-sodden world, watching the specks of water fly across the glass. This is all so fucked up. Like normally, the idea of actually living out a harem fantasy with two willing, cute girls dressed in veils and abayah, desperate to actualise their marital rights; a promised night of passion straight out of a Tales of the Veils story with two horny Americans with the same veiling kink that I have. What was not to like?

Oh Sapphire, why does it have to happen like this? If only it were a Sapphire and not a Ruby. I wouldn’t even feel guilty about being with Emily; we’ve been pretty intimate in text over the years, and you know that. It’s just the addition of this new girl… and the fact that they are prepared to threaten you to get what they want. It is so unfair! I’ll do it because I am your servant, I do need to protect you from them, but I will forever feel guilty about it.

I look down at my waistcoat and shirt cuffs. The outfit that they have provided me with is strange. A suit, yes, but more suited to the 19th century than the 21st. I look like an extra from a Sherlock Holmes film with a cravat and embroidered waistcoat. The other passengers and station staff have been eyeing me ever since I left the house. This is Emily’s doing with her Victorian kink. Bless her. I too share that kink. The idea of living out a Victorian fantasy is one that we’ve both shared for years. The idea of doing it is amazing, if only… if only…

The rain has abated by the time I reach Edinburgh, but it is cold. I change platforms and get on the Tweedbank-bound service. We trundle out of the city and half an hour later, we pull into Newtongrange.

It’s a small place. Waiting outside it is a taxi. I walk over to it. “Taxi for Majnun?” I ask.

“Aye,” says the driver, “bound fae Dalhousie Castle.”

“That’ll be it,” I reply, intrigued.

Dalhousie Castle is a gorgeous mediaeval stronghold situated in glorious grounds. The driver drops me off in front of the great wooden door and I ring the bell. A liveried servant opens it and says, “Good evening, Lord Majnun, the ladies are waiting for you in the drawing room. Please follow me.”

I do as bid, going through a grand hallway, into a fine room where a fire blazes. That, however, is not what attracts my attentions. Instead, it is the two ladies who are seated in armchairs by the fire.

The two ladies that I last saw in England are now transfigured.

Before me, instead of two girls of the 21st century, are a pair of 19th century ladies in the finest of gowns. Both are dressed in the style of the 1880s, an era which I know to be a particular favourite of Emily’s with tightly-laced corsets and narrow skirts.

The one on the left wears a tight-fitting bodice with sleeves that past the elbow before ending in an explosion of lace. From there tight-fitting gloves of white kid cover her lower arms and hands. Ruffles run down the length of her skirt. Over her face is a white Venetian carnival mask that conceals her features.

The lady on the right sports a panelled white bodice with a flowered edged train and skirt that ends with gathered flounce at the bottom. Like her partner, her face is also concealed by a white Venetian carnival mask, and, like her partner, she is a vision to behold. I am growing hard.

“Good evening husband, I trust your journey was pleasant,” says the lady on the left who turns out to be Crystal.

“Yes indeed, madam,” I say, the setting and clothing making me involuntarily adopt a 19th century persona.

“We’ve missed you, darling,” says Ruby.

How to answer? I change the subject. “You two look absolutely stunning.”

“We are glad that our appearances please you.”

“But why the masks?”

“We must remain hidden from our husband until after the consummation. We are still your Salafi wives after all. Thankfully, no one save for the servants can see us in this lewd attire.”

Well, that makes sense… sort of. Down below my cock is straining against its prison. I am in both mental and physical agony.

“Dinner is served!” announces a voice from behind us. I turn to see the servant standing in the doorway.

I walk over to my “wives”, helped each one out of their chair and watched with amazement as their chests rose and fell. And then with a hand around each trammelled waist, I led them through to the dining room.

The dinner is exquisite. Roast beef washed down with red wine. Obviously, they only intend to live Islamically to a certain degree. I enjoy it immensely, along with the two glorious visions sat across from me and the cultured conversation of them both. Oh, it would all be so perfect if it wasn’t for you! Much as I try to reassure myself that this is about keeping you safe, I still feel so guilty.

When we have finished, we retire to the drawing room for port and then it is declared that it is time for bed. I expect my two wives to lead me up the stairs but, to my surprise, instead we descend down into the basement.

“We chose this castle because Ruby here has long held a fantasy about staying in a dungeon,” Crystal whispers in my ear.

And what a dungeon it is! A cosy chamber in a barrel-vaulted chamber of solid stone with only a tiny, barred window for light. It is dominated by a double bed which the two girls lay me out on. Crystal starts kissing me and I melt into her, stupidly not paying attention to her co-wife. Two clicks sound and it is too late. My ankles are now cuffed and each one attached by a short chain to the bottom bedposts.

“What the…?” I begin.

“Shh,” says Crystal as cuffs are fitted to my wrists and, fully-clothed, I am left there, spreadeagled like starfish as the two sneaky minxes disappear.

This just gets more and more surreal.

I lie there as helpless as the nameless prisoners who were locked away in here centuries earlier. This is so hot and yet doubly cruel. The dungeon fantasy was never really mine, but it was always yours, the girl that I am now betraying, the girl that I wish was here. And now I’m living it out with those who are prepared to hurt you.

Some ten or twenty minutes later, they reappear. My guess is that the lengthy wait has been due to the strictures of removing such magnificent but cumbersome gowns plus, I am sure, delayed further by some serious petting. Now though, they are ready for what they’ve come to do. Both are entirely naked save for strictly-laced corsets around their waists and the masks on their faces which Crystal assured me would only be removed when we’d consummated our union. I gasp. Despite the guilt, my cock strains in its prison. Both girls have stunning figures, shapely hips only accentuated by the corsets, and firm breasts, neither too large nor too small. Ruby’s butt in particular, takes my breath away. It is almost Sapphire-esque in its perfection, firm and round like a ripe peach. They walk over to me and then both start kissing my lips, exploring my mouth with their tongues. I cannot help but reciprocate, despite the fact that I feel like an adulterer. Their scent, their beauty is too much. I am in pain down below.

“It hurts!” I whimper.

Crystal smiles and withdraws. “You need to obtain the key,” she whispers in my ear, and then Ruby climbs atop me, her shaved sex in my face. Puzzled, I don’t know what to do at first, but then she rubs it over me, her scent filling my mind, driving me half crazy, and I guess. In one of my stories, I employed the same ruse.

I dive in with my tongue, sucking and licking and, sure enough, lodged in there is something. My teeth take hold of the ribbon and I pull it out whilst she groans. Eventually, the key has been obtained. Ruby hands it to Crystal who unlocks my member which immediately springs into action.

Ruby withdraws and Crystal takes her place. “I know you’re a butt man, so it is only right that we respect that fact on this, the most special of nights,” she says as she lowers her naked arse on my face. I gasp, revelling in its firmness, the smoothness of the skin, her scent. I am gasping for air, as she is too, the corset restricting her breathing so cruelly.

Then I feel her co-wife climb on top of me from below and start to lower herself onto me. There is nothing I can do; I am helpless and powerless. I am doing this to protect someone I love, and yet still I feel guilty. Still, I wish it were another.

As Crystal lifts herself from my face to allow me air and Ruby lowers herself on my tool, impaling her sex on its hardness, I mutter a desperate prayer, “Sapphire, please forgive me for this!”

Ruby grinds down and then I hear her say, “Oh Majnun, Sapphire forgives you without doubt!”

I start. Her voice has changed. Gone is the American lilt, replaced with the honey of West Yorkshire. Crystal removes herself and I get a full-view of the now unmasked woman who is riding on my cock.

And it is not Ruby.

Afterwards, in the post-coital bliss, I unchained and with a wife on either side, they explain.

Sapphire cut me off three months ago because she ran away from her old life.

With Emily.

Emily whose grandmother had passed away leaving her a house and some money in Maine. She’d used that to move to the UK and buy a flat above a shop in Manchester. There you two girls had been living – and loving – together as they both established a new life. Apparently, one of the stories that I wrote for you gave you the idea. But now, with jobs and security, you decided that you needed a man and so engineered the whole Ruby ruse.

And after three months, you had finally managed to imitate an American accent.

Ruby never existed. Nor too were either of you on that flight. Instead, you’d taken the tram in that morning and followed me into the terminal.

And then made me the unwitting participant of their nefarious games.

“You two are rather sneaky and cruel!” I protest, but you both just laugh.

“Trust me, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” winks Emily.

“What do you mean?” I ask in astonishment.

“That chastity cage, it’s going back on,” you say. “I’m fed up with men controlling my life; the tables are being turned now. I’m going from one polygamous set-up to another, but this time the girls are calling the shots!”

“You mean to say, that whole thing isn’t just a fantasy role-play?”

“Of course not, it’s real and this isn’t any temporary arrangement. We’re stopping in Manchester; we’ve got good jobs there and you work from home so there’s some flexibility there. That way I can stay with my community, faith and culture and Em here can live out her kinks, but I can also be how I want to be when away from home. Emily will be living in full niqab, but I won’t. I’m getting away from that shit, not embracing it, so you’ll only have one proper purdah wife I’m afraid.”

“One more than I ever dreamt of,” I reply. “I just can’t believe you were so sneaky about it all. You could have just asked you know! I really thought you were a total evil bitch when you threatened to expose her like that!”

Emily laughs like a cartoon villain. “Muahahahaha! Telling the truth would have been far less fun!” she says.

“And I wanted to test that supposed devotion of yours!” you add.

“And did I pass?”

A tear escapes from your eye. “With flying colours, my suffering servant. Now, I think it’s time for you to serve your mistresses again…”

Written Smallthorne, UK, 27/06/2022

Copyright © 2022, “Majnun”