Doll Wife: Part 10

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Edwin had been back from his business trip for about a fortnight, (and Charity had been exceptionally relieved to get out of her pee-drinking attire and back to ‘normality’ with a night-time session of congress), when there was a knock on the front door. The maid opened it and to her astonishment, in walked Samuel Baines looking extremely furious indeed. He demanded to see Edwin and the two retired to the study whilst Chairty sat in her usual silent contemplation.

When they emerged an hour later, Edwin was wearing a smile and after Samuel had left, he turned to his doll wife and said, “Hmm, I think we’ll be seeing some changes around here soon.”

Sure enough, three days later Samuel called round again and the two men again retired to the study. When they emerged Edwin was again smiling but this time he said nothing.

The third time that Samuel came, he was not alone. Instead he was accompanied by his wife who was most reluctant to enter and had to be manhandled by her spouse who was angry in the face. “Edwin old chap!” he exclaimed, as he pushed the real Chairty onto a chair, “I admit it, I was wrong and you were right! Have the bitch and may she behave better for you than she has done for me!”

“No! No!!!” screamed the woman Charity, clinging onto her husband’s coattails but he merely ignored her, turned tail and left, leaving her lying weeping on the floor. Charity the doll longed to put her arms round her and comfort this doppelganger in distress, but as they were forced into a tight monoglove at the time, she of course, could not. Edwin Clayhanger merely smiled and said, “Welcome home Charity, we shall speak on the morrow,” before retiring to bed and taking his doll wife with him.

On the morrow they did speak and it all became clear. It transpired that that day at the fete the two men had had an in-depth conversation about the real Charity. At first Samuel Baines had been livid that Edwin had modelled his doll wife on his real spouse, but when Edwin had told him how the real Charity had strung him along, he mellowed somewhat and said, “Ed, I understand now how you feel, but you are mistaken; my wife is no whore or gold-digger but a good and poor girl.”

“If only you were right,” Edwin had replied, “and I hope to God that my point-of-view is never proved to be the truth to you.”

But doubts had been put in Samuel Baines’ mind by his old friend, doubts fed perhaps by inklings that he had already he. He hired a private investigator to follow his wife whilst he was at work and discovered that she visited a strange house every afternoon, the house of one Daniel Povey, a well-known local gallant. That was when he’d gone round to Edwin for advice and Edwin had suggested he ask her about her plans for the coming day. “Oh, just to visit old Mrs. Povey on North Street,” she’d replied, which had put his mind at rest somewhat, but just to be sure he’d asked the investigator to dig a little more.

Sure enough, the investigator had dug and Samuel had not liked what he’d found. Yes, Charity had gone to Mrs. Povey’s house, but Mrs. Povey had been holidaying in Llandudno at the time! Indeed, only Daniel had been at home! Again Samuel had visited his friend and again Edwin had offered his advice. “You must confront her and see what she says. If she admits it, then order her to stop; if she does and she repents, forgive her, but if not then you must finish with her.”

“But how can I? She is my wife!”

“Adultery is a good reason for divorce. Even the Bible says so!”

“But what will become of her? I still love her but disgraced so she will never get another husband and her family won’t have her back! I don’t want her to become destitute or a prostitute!”

“Your concern as a husband honours you, but it is not just you who have loved her. If you must divorce, send her to me; I shall accept her as a companion for my Charity and I can ensure that she never disgraces you or any other male ever again.”

The next night Samuel had confronted Charity and she had admitted to an affair. She had not however, repented. “He is a better lover and a better man than you can ever be!” she’d exclaimed, her tongue loose with wine drank with Daniel Povey that afternoon. Her husband, tears in his eyes had begged her to repent and desist but the more he grovelled, the more she mocked him. Then he switched, realised how right Edwin Clayhanger had been all along and so dragged his wife to the home of his friend.

“A Lady’s Companion!” exclaimed the real Charity, indignant. “I am a lady and she – it – is only a doll. How can I be a companion to that?!”

“Charity my love, you were a lady, but you are no longer. Your husband is at the court now instigating the divorce and has placed you in my care. As your guardian I shall of course agree to the divorce and then employ you as a Companion for this Charity here, the Charity who gives honour to the name, not disgrace; the Charity who is the wife that you should have been but never were due to your own sinfulness!”

“No! Never! Anything but! I shall leave here, turn to prostitution, anything…”

But the maid had already placed the chloroform pad over her nose and mouth and she was sinking into the chair.

A week later…

Charity Clayhanger the Doll Wife sits in the sitting room, the clock slowly ticking, watching the hours pass by. Her life now is as it has been ever since she wed Edwin Clayhanger except that these days there are two important differences. The first is that sat by her is another figure, another doll, a doll identical to her in every respect, from the beautiful peach gown to the brown ringlets with yellow ribbons in them to the same rubber face. Even their names are identical: Charity Clayhanger. She is Mrs. Charity Clayhanger, the wife of Edwin Clayhanger; the other is Ms. Charity Clayhanger, her Companion, until recently Charity Baines but since her divorce she has taken on the surname of her guardian. Her ex-husband, incidentally, has recently announced he will be remarrying, to a doll wife formerly known as Shelley Woods but now to be referred to as ‘Arabella’.

As they sit their Mrs. Clayhanger recalls that evening well. She watched as the maids undressed the unconscious real Charity, gave her three successive enemas and then dressed her in her new latex underskin. When she awoke she, like the doll Charity, was force-fed several litres of nutrient-enriched water and then sealed into a doll suit with an exact copy of her real face at the top. Then the wig was produced and the dress and the two doll Charities were born.

The other crucial difference is what will come tomorrow. Edwin, ever the gentleman, announced to the two Charity dolls in his life that despite the fact that one was his wife and pure and the other merely a Companion and enmeshed in sin, he believed firmly in fairness and forgiveness. Therefore, he has forgiven his former love her misdemeanours and shall treat her as he treats his wife. This week Mrs. Clayhanger shall drink and eat and enjoy congress with her husband whilst Ms. Clayhanger sucks pee out of her bottom in sealed silence. After tomorrow though, the roles shall be reversed for a week and Ms. Clayhanger shall ‘enjoy’ the attentions of a man whilst Mrs. Clayhanger shall enjoy the fruits of derriere.

And so it shall continue until the Good Lord takes either Edwin, Charity or Charity.

Twenty years later…

And so here we find Charity Clayhanger, widow of the late Edwin Clayhanger, sat in the parlour of the Chiswick Home for Widowed Dolls. She sits there, a blank-faced, brown-eyed doll with the features of a twenty year-old whom her late husband once loved. Besides her sits an identical doll, a doll whose face, under all the rubber and latex, once looked like the fake face on the front. Their dresses are no longer crinolines for fashions have changed now and they wear large bustles but their hands are still encased in tight monogloves and they sit there in silence as the clocks tick, the only other sound being an almost imperceptible slurping as they both suck pee out of their bottoms to quench the never-ending thirst generated by a life enclosed in latex


Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Doll Wife: Part 9

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10


The doll life continued in its mundane fashion for Charity for several months until one evening over dinner her husband announced that he was going away that Friday for a couple of weeks on business. “Alas my dear, I cannot take you with me, but don’t worry, I shall ensure that you are kept safe and secure, ready and eager for my return.”

When Friday came, she was taken to her room, her outer garments removed and the maid placed the chloroform pad over her nose until she blacked out.

She awoke covered in her clear latex undergarments like she always did but this time something was different. Around her waist was some kind of container of black rubber. It was connected to her tubing somehow and had a valve on the side. Then her Charity costume was produced and fitted over her, encasing her in the warm rubber again. Once fitted, the maid showed her her new image in the mirror. She was the same as normal except where her narrow hips had been, she now had massive wide matronly hips. She wondered at first and then realised that, like the narrow waist caused by the corset, it was an optical illusion caused by the rubber container that was fastened around her like a bum roll underneath. But what was the purpose of it all? The maid then produced a polished silver belt with ‘Property of Edwin Clayhanger’ engraved on the front and fastened it around her middle, locking it off with a small padlock. “Your husband has the key to this and it can only be unlocked when he returns,” she explained. Charity was confused; he said that he would be gone for months so how would she cope? Then she realised. Her maid fiddled around at her enormous hips and opened a valve and then attached a tank full of slightly-coloured liquid to it which was then pumped inside her hips. She felt them fill around her until there was pressure all around like a tyre and then the valve was sealed off. “Unlike your school costume M’Lady, this system means that you can be continually refilled without removing the costume allowing for months of continual wear. Sir has said this is mandatory for whenever he is away and the belt prevents removal.”

Charity’s heart fell. After her time in hospital and weeks as a newly-married doll, she’d hoped that at least she would never be forced to subsist on her own pee again yet now it was back and more permanent than ever. She sucked to try and work out how this new system worked and after several hours it was clear. Essentially it was the same as the system at St. Werburgh’s but with an added stage inserted. Rather than drinking every week, she had her bum bags refilled every few days and she drank from these, sucking directly from the bag into her mouth. This went down through her body into her bladder after which she peed into her bottom. When this was full she needed to suck to free space in the bum bags and then her bottom would drain into them and the whole process would start again. Charity realised that drinking from her own bottom was to be a feature of her life for many years to come.

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Doll Wife: Part 8

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

The church fete was the main social event in the village and as her husband was one of the most prominent citizens, they were both expected to attend. So it was that Charity was dressed in her full regalia – albeit without the breathing hood which Harry had considered may shock some of the ladies at the event – and they went off to the field where the event was held.

It was trying in all manner of ways for Charity. First of all, the field was most uneven and wearing her ballet boots she found it exceptionally hard to balance, leaning on her husband for support all the while. Plus the exertion of walking round all the bric-a-brac and cake stalls whilst her spouse held polite conversation with the vicar and local notables was most tiring and her legs ached after only a few minutes. But the biggest shock of all was when they entered the large marquee where the teas were being served and she came face to face with someone whom she had never expected to see at all.


When I say ‘herself’, I don’t mean the old Emily Carter but instead her new self, Charity Clayhanger. But I don’t mean the doll wife Charity Clayhanger but instead a real, flesh and blood Charity Clayhanger, there in front of her, on the arm of another man. As their faces met she gave a gasp beneath her suit and would have fallen were it not for Edwin’s firm grip. And judging by the reaction of the other Charity Clayhanger, she was just as surprised!

“Edwin! What…?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Baines!” exclaimed Edwin cheerily, “What a pleasant surprise! How are you both? But first, please, let me introduce my wife, Mrs. Clayhanger. Charity darling, these are Samuel and Charity Baines, both childhood friends of mine.”

Charity the doll curtsied but Charity the woman merely looked aghast. “But Edwin, she’s…”

“…a doll? Yes indeed, I have a doll wife. I appreciate that this might surprise you; I must admit that it was never a turn in life that I expected to take but a friend suggested it and do you know what, we are both exceptionally happy together. You really should have considered it, Sam old chap.”

Sam Baines looked as if he did not know where to put himself. Charity Baines on the other hand, seemed now to have completely recovered her composure. “Edwin, it was not the fact that she is a doll that surprised me; you and a doll wife would always have been an ideal match in my eyes, but the fact that she is… she is me!”

“Well yes, I can see how that might be a bit of a shock, but I needed someone to base her upon and who better than my oldest and dearest female friend? I’d have thought you’d have seen it as a compliment.”

“A compliment, why to have a human being encased in latex and…”

But she never finished her sentence for her husband took her by the arm and said, “Now, now Charity dearest, decorum. Listen Edwin old chap, I think you and I need a word… in private. We can leave the ladies here for they must be tired with all this strolling around and we can have a wander.”

“Excellent idea old chap.”

And so it was that one Charity found herself sat opposite the other, engaging in conversation as ladies do. Except that this conversation was all one-way.

“You poor thing,” exclaimed the real Charity, putting her gloved hand on the rubberised arm of her doll copy. “You poor, poor thing! I know that there is no law against it but to think that he did that to you.” The Charity doll looked back at her with a vacant smile. “I can’t believe that he chose to make his doll wife a copy of me. Well… I can believe it, the fiend! He always wanted me, right from when we were teenagers. We were practically engaged and he always talked as if our marriage was a foregone conclusion. Perhaps then it was; after all, who else is there in this village of his standing and stature? But how could I marry a man who views women as mere objects, chattel, dolls…? It was an offer I couldn’t turn down, only postpone. Until Sam moved back into the hall of course, after all his years in Europe, and I caught his eye. When he proposed I snapped his hand off. Your Edwin was distraught of course; he always did love me in his own way; but I never thought that if he could not have me in the flesh, he would recreate me in another way, in this sick and perverted fashion. Oh you poor thing, you poor, poor thing!”

When her husband told her the story that evening it was very different. He admitted to being hopelessly in love with the real Charity and that she had returned his affection, or so he thought, but merely she had been a gold-digger, stringing him along until someone richer – like the excessively wealthy Sam Baines – came along. “I was devastated when I heard that they were to wed, I couldn’t leave my room for a week,” he confessed, “but do you know what, time has taught me that I was the lucky one. She never lived up to the ideal that her pretty face suggests, whilst you my darling are silent, submissive and pure, everything that a wife should be. Sam allows her too much freedom, he really does and he shall come to regret it, he really shall!”

That night as she lay stretched-out spread-eagle on the bed, her husband made love to her with a vigour that she had never previously experienced, shouting out her name at the top of his voice as he exploded within her rubberised hole.

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Doll Wife: Part 7

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

She descended the stairs, her gorgeous dress sweeping the steps and was led to the dining room where her husband sat at one end of the table and a place was prepared for her at the other. Although she had accepted that a degree of the doll life would be continuing for her now that she was married, this sight rose her hopes that she might at least get proper meals, all be they liquidised ones. However, when her spouse began to speak, she realised that such was not the case.

“My dear Charity, good morning and don’t you look so radiant today. I have so long waited for this moment, when we can dine together as husband and wife. I thought that it would come many years ago but alas, that was not to be but even so, here we are at last. Now, your former headmistress has told me all about the unusual diet which you were kept on at school and indeed, it seems to have done wonders for you so I have decided that I don’t want my little dolly wife to forget all that she has learnt and so I have decreed you carry on in the same fashion for your breakfast and lunch each day, but for dinner, that being the special meal of the day as it were, we can have something different. However, as we are now united in the eyes of God, it is only right and proper that we share everything, so I have asked the cook to prepare you a tasty breakfast, three parts God’s water and one part mine laced with all the vitamins and nutrients that the doctor assures me you need to stay in your current radiant condition. Does that please you Charity?”

Please her? Did it? Not really, since she really longed for some of the milk he was drinking, but the doll mind was so engrained in her now that she merely nodded mechanically which caused him to smile. “Charity, oh Charity, you are a delight! I must thank Mr. Cartwright for suggesting I take a doll wife instead of chasing after shadows! I’d never considered it before you know; you shall soon learn my former plans, but he came to me, said that he had been landed with a ward who was neither intelligent nor pretty but who could be moulded into a doll for a reasonable bride price and I thought, why not? If I can’t have Charity one way, I’ll have her the other and here you are!”

A maid approached with a large four pint porcelain bowl with a lid on the top and a rubber tube leading out which was attached to her gag. Dutifully she sucked as he husband explained her new life. It was much diluted but the taste was still strange, not being her own and she realised how unnatural it now felt for her to be drinking someone else’s water.

“My dear, I’m afraid I’m a rather busy man what with the company to look after and all, so you’ll be without me all day and also for periods when I leave on business trips but I have been assured that your training at school has helped prepared you for such waiting. Whilst I am away I shall arrange some permanent enclosure so that no one may be tempted to violate whilst I am not here, but whilst present I wish access so that I can fulfil my duties to you as a husband. You will be pleased to know that you will be living as a lady, a lady of leisure and that requires a monoglove at all times when I am not present although in the evening I shall enjoy the touch of your mittened hands. I believe you have been trained in such garments so I imagine that is no problem for you. Anyway my love, this house is yours, you are mistress now and I am sure you shall love each and every day spent here!”

But did Charity love each and every day? It is hard to say. Certainly they were largely the same; each like that first one. After breakfast Harry had gone off to his work and she had been laced into an unforgiving monoglove with a tiny bell attached to the end. It caused her arms to ache and go dead but whenever she needed something she could ring the bell and a maid would come. She then went to the ladies’ sitting room where she sat on a couch and waited. Her bladder was getting full now from all the liquid she had consumed and so she let loose and it flowed into the black bag under her bottom, causing the pee to slosh about. Her maid asked her if she wanted tea which she did and a pint of liquid was brought to her which she sucked up. She sat for a while but she was bored in the sitting room so she went out into the garden. However, to go out there her husband had decreed that her rubber skin needed extra protection so a rather strange extra layer was added; a transparent full head latex hood with only a small hole for breathing and then an enormous summer bonnet over that which gave her tunnel vision. Wearing this hood was one of the most terrifying experiences of her life. It reduced her vision – which was pinhole anyway – with only the near ground being clear and the distance fading into a haze of latex but more than that it only had a tiny hole to let air in and when she breathed it closed around her face, only expanding like a balloon again as she exhaled. At first she was scared she would suffocate but slowly she realised that she would not die in it but her air was now stale as it was mostly recycled and she really had to labour her breaths to get any into her lungs. Nonetheless, strange as this may sound, it also excited her somewhat down below and she wished at that moment for her husband to service her.

She sat for around an hour in the garden, all her efforts expended on the hood which sucked in front of her face with a scrunching sound and then blew out again with another scrunch. Then her maid arrived and told her that she had a visitor, a local lady wishing to offer her congratulations on her marriage and so she returned to the sitting room where the bonnet and hood were removed and her breathing became clearer again.

The lady in question was one Arabella Montague, the wife of a local landowner who was friendly with her husband and, to Charity’s surprise, also a doll. She was dressed in a ridiculous pink confection and also had her arms strictly laced into a monoglove that matched her dress. They could of course, not communicate at all, but their maids did it for them. Her maid thanked Mrs. Montague for her visit and informed her that she was enjoying married life. Mrs. Montague’s maid then said that her mistress was well and had brought some magazines for her to read. These turned out to be copies of a publication called ‘Doll Monthly’ and were dedicated to women living as doll wives. Her maid offered tea and two pints of liquid were brought and tubes attached to their mouths. Then reading stands were brought and set up in front of the ladies and together they perused the magazines. The articles were all about women living as dolls, different doll fashions, waste recycling, liquidised food ideas – most dolls it seemed, were not fed primarily on urine – and meal hints; restraints, rubber underclothing, doll schooling and the like. There was a large feature on husbands who regularly changed their doll wives’ faces and Charity wondered if Harry would ever do that for her. Then, after an hour or two, Mrs. Montague left and Charity retired for dinner, another two pints of diluted pee with vitamins. By this time, on top of her breakfast, she had consumed four pints and had been peeing herself regularly, the liquid collecting in her bag which was now forming a rather sloshy cushion for her to sit on. The afternoon followed a similar pattern but with no visits and by the end the bag was full to bursting and she was sat quite high on her new, self-made pee cushion.

At six Harry returned and went straight to greet her. He kissed her on her rubber cheek then went to his armchair, sat down, asked her to kneel in front of him. Then he opened his trousers, got out his manhood and got her to suck him to climax whilst he stroked her wig lovingly. Then they retired to the dining room for dinner which, as promised, was a different kind of food for Charity. That evening it was a kind of pumpkin soup placed in a large bowl which she sucked up eagerly, delighting in the exquisite taste after such different fayre all day, looking into Harry’s eyes and realising that she loved her new husband very much for caring so much about her. Then they retired to the drawing room, he unlaced her monglove, sat her on his knee like a little girl and told her a story whilst caressing her miniscule waist and huge breasts before she was taken by the maid up the stairs, stripped of her clothing, had her bag removed, (it’s contents saved for future meals), and fastened on the bed again waiting for her husband. This time though, she was not laid out like a starfish, but instead on her front with her legs attached to the bottom posts, but her arms held behind her in a single sleeve. Cushions and pillows were placed under her so that her rubberised bottom, so long the source of all her nutrition, was presented lewdly in the air. Harry soon came, whipped out his manhood, lubed it thoroughly and then proceeded to take her anally pumping in and out quite painfully, filling her hole completely before finally depositing copious quantities of his seed in there and plugging it off, then turning her over and refastening her in the spread-eagle position before relieving himself in her mouth again, kissing her goodnight, wishing her sweet dreams and going to sleep. To us that may sound terrible, but we have not been trained at St. Werburgh’s Finishing School for Young Ladies and for Charity her prime emotion at that time was of adoration for the man who had demonstrated so clearly that she excited him, that he wanted her.

And such was the life of Charity the doll, day after day, each much the same as the last, continuing ad infinitum until the day of the church fete.

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Doll Wife: Part 6

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Finally the day of the wedding came. Emily was awoken early and dressed in a tight corset that was laced steadily down. Beautiful white stockings were fitted to her rubberised legs and then stunning white ballet boots. Her bottom hole was plugged with an ivory plug and then dozens of frilled petticoats fitted. Her corset was tightened again so that she fainted and after she was brought round another round of lacing began whilst long gloves were fitted over her rubber hands. Then came the enormous crinoline and stunning dress and finally veils, seven of them in silk that blinded her completely. There she stood, silent, gasping for breath, blind and a vision of virginal beauty. Slowly she was led away to the service.

The service was torture. She had to stand and kneel totally blind, fighting to stay conscious and suck air into her tortured lungs. However, two points she did remember clearly. The first was when the priest announced her new name: “Do you Charity Emily Carter take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband…?” Charity. She was to be Charity from now on! And the second moment was when he lifted all those veils to kiss her rubber face. She was surprised: her new spouse was a youngish man, only a little older than her Emily self, and not ugly. She felt his lips kiss the rubber and thanked God for relieving her from the clutches of Miss Parker.

Then came the meal with her guardian making a speech on her behalf and her new spouse extolling the virtues of a doll wife in his. Peering through her eyeholes she could see several other dolls in the crowd, silent and not eating and wondered if there was some kind of crowd which specialised in doing this to their wives and daughters. Still, whether there was or not, her training had taught her not to question, merely to be. She was a doll now, a doll wife and she needed know no more than that.

After the meal, Charity was led away from the table by a maid and up the stairs of her new mansion home. She arrived into a glorious bedroom with a fine four poster bed in the middle of it. The maid divested her of her heavy dress and then all her undergarments and then attended to her toilet. Empty and clean, she was led to the bed where she was lain out but then to her surprise, there came some unexpected extras. Her arms were stretched out to the top posts and cuffed there whilst her ankles were stretched to the bottom ones. She was lain spread-eagled, unable to move a muscle. Then the light was turned off leaving her almost totally blind. There she lay, panting in silence, waiting for her new husband not as a wife but as a passive love doll.

She waited and waited, for what seemed like an age but then she heard a door and felt a presence near her. “Charity! Charity!” said a male voice and someone climbed on top of her. He fiddled around her private parts and then she felt an erect penis enter her latex-sheathed hole. He pumped away and she tried to reciprocate but could only manage the slightest of movements. As he fucked her he caressed her hard narrow waist and her tender rubber-covered tits which hurt somewhat but she could do nothing to stop it. She longed to hold him in her arms as she’d imagined doing with a husband when she was younger but obviously dolls do not do that. As he worked away she compared the experience with her youthful fumblings with Johnny Baxter. In some ways this was far worse; she had no say in the matter, she was totally at his mercy, she was entirely passive, it was not romantic at all, not a meeting of two willing bodies, more a rape. Yet the virtual blindness, her sheer helplessness and her doll-like appearance in another way excited her, turned her on and made this special. The two experiences were from separate worlds just as she was no longer a living, breathing girl but instead an anonymous rubber love doll.

Once he had finished he lay on her a while panting and then climbed onto her face and his cock thrust through into her rubber-coated mouth. “I believe you like how this tastes,” he said to her and immediately warm pee started flowing into her mouth. She gulped it down obediently but gagged a little. His pee was not hers; it tasted of alcohol and smelt horrible. Hers was neutral and… well, her own. But she knew that she was his now and so she continued to swallow, tasting pee for the first time in weeks and when she had finished she sucked him dutifully dry.

In the morning Charity awoke with her new husband lying on top of her. He was snoring soundly but she could sleep no longer. She longed to wake him and perhaps enjoy some more intimate activity but of course she could not. She was a Charity doll now; all she could do was lie and wait. As she did her bladder filled and she longed to drain it but unlike in her days at the school she could not so she held it in. Eventually, after a couple of hours he woke. She was worried he would want to enjoy her hole again which would be difficult considering her need for the toilet, but he did not and instead climbed on her face again and this time used her mouth to relieve his tensions. He bounced up and down on top of her causing her to struggle to breathe, her enormous breasts bouncing up and down with each laboured breath but this only aroused him all the more until he exploded into her mouth. The sticky liquid that now graced her throat was a new sensation for her; somewhat salty and with a unique aftertaste and she realised at that moment that this would become a regular alternative to urine for her.

He left her, the semen still coating her mouth and after a few minutes her maid came. She took her to the bathroom and then attended to her toilet, emptying her full bladder and giving her a thorough enema but then, after plugging her bottom as before, a large, a catheter was inserted into her pee hole which was attached to an empty rubber bag which was fastened under her bum. No explanation was offered and Charity could hardly go ahead and ask so she just stood docilely whilst it was screwed into place and then the maid dressed her in copious silken underclothes that she’d have loved to have felt directly on her skin before then dressing her in her new attire as a wife. Unlike at the school, her dress was now the very opposite of plain, a glorious creation in yellow silk printed with tiny flowers and decorated with every manner of bow and frivolity. It had a high lacy collar and in her brown sausage curls little yellow ribbons were tied. The only disconcerting thing was that on her hands, already difficult to use since they were covered by two layers of rubber, padded mittens were tied so that they were rendered absolutely useless. Ballet boots were then laced to her feet and when she was led to the mirror she saw the image of a very girly, prissy young doll lady with a smiling face and not a care in the world. It was shockingly innocent, almost childish, yet at the same time the enormous globes of her heaving fake breasts and the minuscule waist hinted of a very adult alternative reality. That was Charity; that was her from now on.

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Doll Wife: Part 5

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Life continued in the same surreal fashion for Emily the Clarissa doll as the months rolled by. She had been told that she would stay in the school until her waist reached 15 inches and at first she tried to work it out at half an inch a week, but that time passed and she realised that the reductions were getting smaller as she neared her target. Certainly she felt them and was always gasping for breath. However, one day, after about six months she was summoned to Miss Parker’s office and the schoolmistress announced that she would be getting married in a month’s time but that first she would be going to hospital in order to have her marital improvements undertaken. Emily wondered what improvements could be done to someone who is totally sealed off from the world but then realised with joy that after marriage she would no longer be a pee-drinking rubber doll anymore. That surprised her a little when she thought of it for she had now got very used to her situation and the prospect of consuming anything other than her own waste was strange to her now. She recalled Miss Parker’s words about a doll-mind being formed and she realised that she was now passive and accepting of most things, including the fact that she would be taken to hospital to have her body altered without any consultation.

The next day she left and was transported to Gt. Ormond St. Hospital in a sealed car. This was the first time she’d left the school save to go to church, but with her blinding veil she saw nothing and after the car stopped she was led walking blind down several corridors and then ordered to sit in a chair. When her bonnet and veil were removed she discovered that she was in a private consulting room with a bed covered in white latex. Her maid undressed her and then removed her Clarissa costume. Stood in latex only she felt quite naked and emptied her waste into a bucket on the floor. Then her mouth tube was removed and the chloroform covered her nose.

Emily awoke aching and tired and with a blinding headache. She found herself strapped to a bed, covered in latex but not her Clarissa costume. There was a gag in her mouth but no tube connected to it and instead she was being fed by a drip into her arm. She tried to raise her head and see what had been done to her and when she did gave a small gasp of surprise. Fastened to her chest were two of the most enormous breasts that she had ever seen, each easily as big as her head! She shook her body and they jiggled beneath the latex but still stayed proud and alert. So, her new husband wanted her to have a massive bosom then! But what else?

Sometime later a nurse arrived. She smiled and said, “Glad to see you’re awake again Miss Carter. Those new breasts of yours are some of the largest we’ve done for a while but I’m sure they’ll please your husband. You’ll find them very hard and distended; he especially requested that I believe. What you won’t know that is that down below we’ve trimmed away some of your excess flesh petals to leave a smooth hole which is far more doll-like don’t you think? Anyway, I’ll be back regularly if you have any problems.”

Emily didn’t have any problems and besides, doll life had taught her just to lie and wait. She recovered in the hospital for about a week and at the end was able to feel her heavy new breasts with her latex-covered hands. They certainly were hard and round and looked completely fake but then again, she was half doll now anyway, was she not? At least she did not have to drink pee all the time now and everyday she was allowed to drink water and even juice which was a totally unexpected pleasure and like heaven for her.

When she came to move again, she found walking hard. Her breasts were very heavy and threw her whole body forwards. She had to spend hours practicing with the nurse before she could finally leave.

Emily was not taken back to the school but instead dressed in a different doll suit and removed to a hotel. This doll suit had no internal plumbing and so instead she had to use the toilet again like a normal person although there was still a plugs in her bottom hole to prevent accidents, her vagina, now freed of its excess flaps of skin was now left free, beyond the latex lining that penetrated it for a couple of inches. What was also different now was the mouth. Like before, this appeared like a pair of smiling lips, but inside it was very different, a ring keeping her teeth open whilst latex still coated the inside. However it also contained, just behind the teeth, an extra layer of rubber so that items could enter the mouth like her drinking pipe but were now harder to remove and had to be put in more deeply, coming out with a ‘Pop!’ when they did. What was also new was her face. Gone was the Clarissa doll and in her place a very realistic latex face of a young lady in her twenties with sweet brown eyes and long brown hair in ringlets. She was certainly very beautiful and Emily guessed that was why her husband had chosen it.

In that hotel she was laced into a longer corset and her training in walking continued. Then, two days later, a dress arrived, a glorious creation in white with a seven-foot wide crinoline, white silken gloves and lots of frills and bows. She was fitted into it and adjustments made and then stripped again.

Links to all the parts of the story:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10